Eating out at Restaurants!

laurenlynch Posts: 2
Hi Guys, I am fairly new to MFP and have going along ok, but recently I have been in social situations where I'm having tea out...alot! I guess it's just that time of the year where functions and special occasions occur. However, I never know what to order from the menu!! Does anyone know of a guide or something that could help??? Or even just some tips when eating out?? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!


  • SaddyPants
    SaddyPants Posts: 152 Member
    If it's a chain restaurant I always look up the nutrition info before I go (or on my phone if I'm already there) and this has really helped me. Good luck! :)
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    If you have MFP on a smartphone, it allows you to see the calories of what you're going to eat before you eat it (unlike the web program, the calories are displayed before you say 'add to diary'). Of course, when you're eating out the best you can make is just a guesstimate anyway, but I always go for the option I find with the highest calorie count, hedging on the side of caution
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Tips for eating out:

    Ask for a smaller portion, or go for 2 starters rather than a main course.
    Grilled meats or fish are usually a good bet.
    Sauces can be huge calorie lakes - order them on the side, and only take a little.
    Same for salad dressings.
    Pass on the bread and butter.
    Anything fried or battered will be high in calories and fat.
  • alanaosu
    alanaosu Posts: 85 Member
    If it's Indian say no to the popadoms. You can always have a little of the onion salad with some sauce while your friends tuck in. Choose chipatti (roti) over Naan. Try to go for the dry dishes (over the kormas) and avoid rice (it's just a filler and doesn't actually taste of much). I'm a veggie so always go for a dhal which tends to be fairly low cal.

    Ask the waiter to take the bread basket away when you order drinks (or ask your friends to take their portions and then have it removed).

    If you order something naughty like a side of chunky fries, take a few and then tip water over the remaining to prevent you grazing. Yes it's a waste of food but you're not a human dustbin and if control is an issue this can be a handy little trick.

    Consider if you really need to order a starter, main and dessert. Two starters is a good option and try to skip dessert.

    It's not the most fun but then neither is having an *kitten* that looks like a 5 tonne truck! Lol!
  • I try and look at the menu online before I go , theres lots of places already in the database too :)
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Ooooh good question! For some reason I started eating out more after starting MFP! Not out of choice but because of social occasions etc. I did a LOT of research! : )

    As others have said, if possible find the nutritional info online beforehand. If you're in the UK then Pizza Express, Nando's, Strada and Zizzi's all offer lighter options and calorie estimates.

    If info is not available, try and find the menu online so you can have a longer look at it and decide what would be the best options. Generally fish or chicken (not battered or with chips) is a good option, salads (dressing on the side), soup, also you can have starters as mains...steak and salad....

    During the day I would try and eat lightly to conserve my calories for the meal and/or exercise during the day, also feel free to get the restaurant to remove unnecessary fats, an Italian I go to often now know not to put butter on broccoli (what they were doing that for in the first place, I have no idea!).

    I also found from cooking at home calorie estimates for things such as pasta portions which all helps. I feel quite comfortable ordering pasta with a tomato based sauce whilst out eating now (though check/ask about oil).

    If something turns up that was more fattening than you expected then eat less of it.

    OR if all else fails enjoy it and count it as a cheat meal. I have a cheat meal once a week and my weight loss didn't falter. x
  • Monanik
    Monanik Posts: 150
    For me if its dinner time I will ask for the smaller lunch portion or ask them to bring me half and box up the other half. That way theres no temptation if its not on your plate! Also I will look online for nutrition info or use a app called fast food which has most restaurants in it with all info! Good luck!
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    Wow! Such great answers. What everyone said is pretty much what I do! Definitely hop on the internet as soon as you know what restaurant you are heading too. Once you have a good idea of caloric/fat intake you have a better hold, on how many you plan on sacrificing and what to stay away from. The first thing I do as soon as I get my food is ask for a box. The waiter will look at you kind of silly but who cares. Also if possible order a side salad and drink alots of water with your meal. Too often our bodies mistake thirst for hunger. : )
  • Wow!! Thanks guys for all the advice! I will definately research the restaurants before going to them, and I'll give the waiters/ess's a few extra requests (smaller portions, dressings on the side)!! Gotta keep them on their toes!! haha.

    Thanks again
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