Net calories and Ben and Jerry's


so this hasnt happened its just an "if", so i was wondering, my daily goal is 1450, but i burn 800 with my daily job/exersice. if i ate my usual 3 m3als with the odd snack that equaled 1500 calories, then used the rest and ate a 750 cal tub of ben and jerry's frozen yoghurt (chocolate brownie!) would i gain weight despite actually being about 150 cals under the goal??

im guessing probably i would as it adds 110g of sugar!! and i usually have about 90g of natural sugar daily anyway. there is an upside though, the tub only has 15g of fat which is quite good, plus im usualy 30-40g below my fat goal anyway!

if i do this lol please note it wont be everyday, propbably not even every month and im 18 i like to party!!! :-)

its a rather crazy theory but hey! thoughts?? (also i do get this is unhealthy!)

thankyouu X


  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Why not try it! You have earnt the right to choose what you eat after you train, if it is just for a one off! I am sure it would do no harm! let us know xx
  • nicxox
    nicxox Posts: 175 Member
    In theory you should still lose weight, even if it isn't the healthiest way to do it!
    I just tried Ben & Jerry's chocolate brownie frozen yogurt for the first time the other day, I was suprised how much it does taste like ice cream, and not as many calories too! =)
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I'm certainly not recommending you do this, but you should still loose weight. I'll be honest, I've had a couple of days where I was a bit embarrassed to enter what I actually ate, so I just added it up on my own and manually added the calories. Despite those few lapses, I've still lost weight successfully. For me, when I have a nutritionally naughty day, the important thing is to get back on the right track before it becomes a habit.
  • 123Helena123
    sorry double post -_-
  • 123Helena123
    Really!!?? but what about the sugar i mean my sugar count would be about 220g!! surley that was cause weight gain? (i really wouldnt complain if it didnt though!, lol or if my weight stayed the same...)

    thanks for answering and i know someone could empty a pot of normal ben and jerry's brownie icecream, replace the same tub with the frozen yoghurt and you prob wouldnt notice!! XD :-)
  • Matttdvg
    Matttdvg Posts: 133 Member
    Assuming you have actually burned that many calories, you would lose weight. But I find the calorie values listed for exercise on MFP are a little on the high side, so I would be careful. If you're using a heart rate monitor to calculate your burned calories and you actually have burnt 800 calories, then you'll still lose weight by eating back those calories, even from something as unhealthy as ice cream. BUT if you're just going by the calories listed on here I would be very cautious about eating back all of your exercise calories.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    *waits for Acg to appear*

  • 123Helena123
    Assuming you have actually burned that many calories, you would lose weight. But I find the calorie values listed for exercise on MFP are a little on the high side, so I would be careful. If you're using a heart rate monitor to calculate your burned calories and you actually have burnt 800 calories, then you'll still lose weight by eating back those calories, even from something as unhealthy as ice cream. BUT if you're just going by the calories listed on here I would be very cautious about eating back all of your exercise calories.

    I Wear A Pedometer most days and its pretty acurate. the data that came from mfp's database was 400 calories higher than the pedometer so like you i dont trust it but thanks :smile:
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    One day and one tub of ice cream is not going to make you put on weight! Especially if u have "earnt" the calories in theory. I would just be a bit careful about eating THAT much sugar in one go though as u will crash and burn & prob crave more later.

    Also whoever said about the Ben & Jerry's frozen yoghurt, it is JUST as tasty and chocolatey as the ice cream just less creamy and far less calories. I wouldn't eat a whole tub of that either though- just a nice big bowl :tongue:
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    *waits for Acg to appear*


    This is funny!

    I'd say try it.. you have nothing to lose. You don't gain wait in 30 minutes. Stop depriving yourself. You gotta enjoy and have some splurges. Whatever you had gained you will lose in the next coulpe of days/weeks. The sugar might make you get off your butt and go workout again or go burn calories doing something! I sure wouldn't think twice about it.. once a year!