Needing support to get back on track!

Gaining weight due to stress. I’m eating everything in sight and not making the best food decisions. I feel defeated and like I have no control at all.


  • jsmestflowers
    jsmestflowers Posts: 52 Member
    Thank for sharing that. I too have felt that way. Oppression is real, and it can drive us to do many things, some of which are self-destructive. Stress is a symptom of oppression, simple as that.
    Here are some things you can do that will help.
    Discover what is your source of oppression and get away from it, if you can.
    If you can't, don't empower it. Laugh at it if possible, at least don't agree with it. You can always be silent.
    That is control, get ahold of one thing, and others will follow.
    You are not even close to being defeated, just need to get off your knees.
    *How do I know you're not, defeated don't write a post like that, you want to FIGHT!

    You are not alone, the struggle is real, the fight is real, we all hit the floor from time to time, and the champion reaches out for help, just like you did.
    You're here! You're still in the arena!
    That little flea can beat the lion.
    That drop of water can carve thru a mountain
    Every day look for some victory, it doesn't matter how small, know that those tiny wins add up to total victory. I ate one less piece of cake! HUZZAH! I took one more step HUZZAH. They may seem little but victory is measured in inches, not miles.

    Win! Evey day! You don't have to defeat the whole day, you can defeat the hour, if you cant defeat the moment. All of it is winning!

    "Once upon a time, the whole world was an impossibility. Conquering all of it is still impossible, so I'm just concentrating on today. If today becomes too much, I will focus on right now. Right now, I'm ok, I will beat right now." - Ethan Suplee

    Always remember to be on your own side!

    Keep identifying the oppressor and keep fighting, yeah it may take a long time, but you will WIN.