When do you give away the clothes that are too big?

pelleld Posts: 363 Member
I hit goal in May then lost another 7 pounds. I've fluctuated within a couple of pounds for the last few months. I am now going through my closet and getting ready for fall/winter clothes. MANY of them are way too big but I can't seem to bring myself to part with them. When do you get rid of the big clothes and take that leap of faith that the weight will stay off and you'll never need those clothes again? Sounds stupid but it feels like a REALLY big step for me to take...............


  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    You have


    Or a local charity shop!! They also sometimes collect!!

    Online you can go to


    I am sure people would collect from you xx
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    I didn't wait....as soon as I hit the next size down I gave all my clothes to a friend that was the same size as me. I figured why wait when this is a true life style change!
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Sorry forgot, well done!! You must be feeling amazing xx
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    if you feel anxious about giving them away, maybe just put them somewhere for storage for a while like in a friend's house or somewhere that would take some effort to get them. that way they are not in your house and you can kind of forget about it. but i see what you're saying away, giving them away makes you not feel like you could gain weight again.
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    Not stupid at all....I also made it beyond my goal in May and it's just been this past week I've sent stuff off to one of the charities! And yes, congrats and here's to keeping it off!
  • CMoney412
    CMoney412 Posts: 28 Member
    Right away! Give them to the Dress for Success in your area! We always need bigger clothes -- 65% of our women are size 16 and above! www.dressforsuccess.org
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I am so right there with ya! I hit my goal in July, lost another 3 lbs. and have maintained for over a month now. I get attached to clothing and most of my clothes now are 3 or 4 sizes too big. I've given away some of my biggest clothes to a friend that has also lost on here and is now down to the size I used to wear. It's good to know someone is getting use out of them. I've set aside a few favorite or expensive articles of clothing to have altered. The rest I'm going to try and sell at consignment shops and the ones they won't take will go to Goodwill. Right now they're all sitting in a pile in the corner of my bedroom. My husband keeps asking me when I'm going to get rid of them. I love those clothes and a little voice keeps telling me "What if you gain all the weight back?" even though realistically I don't think I will. I know it's silly.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    I picked through my winter work outfits that I considered worth keeping and then I took two skirts, three pants, two jackets to a really good tailor two weeks ago. I will pick them up next week. the rest I donated to Goodwill. I plan to be at maintenance by January so I will hit the sales since I expect my tailored clothes will be both too small and non-alterable. Now I need a plan of action for next spring and summer.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'm only keeping a couple of pairs of jeans in one size up because some days I need fat pants. :laugh: I'm also keeping one or two of my larger sweaters because they're comfy. Otherwise, it's all going to be donated or repurposed. I look at it this way: Even IF I end up gaining weight again, I will work hard to lose the pounds. And besides, fashions change so much that those clothes might not even be in style if you ever need them again. I ran into that with a lot of my skinny clothes that I saved -- they fit now, but I don't want to wear them because they're just outdated, even though I've only had them a few years.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    I too forgot the congratulations. You have done a great job losing. Don't listen to that small voice saying, "what if I gain".
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Having a clothing exchange with friends also on the way down, who might be heavier than you is a good idea. Other than that, I would keep the clothes around for a year, to make sure the weight gain is really consolidated, and the yo-yo effect isn't going to happen. You might pare down in taking the more faddish one season items to the Goodwill, and hanging on to the more expensive, classic, quality pieces until you know for sure.

    Last time I dieted, I lost 40 lbs, only to gain it all back and more at the rate of 2.5 lbs per month. So that maintenance phase is really tricky and can creep up on you without you realizing what is going on.
  • TheOddOne
    TheOddOne Posts: 45 Member
    Personally, I am keeping all of my clothes that are too big. I just have them shoved away. Some have great memories attached to them. So far, I've been able to go new clothes shopping twice and I will never forget how amazing I felt when I slipped into my first non plus size top and it fit beautifully. Once I reach my goal weight, I am going to go through all of my old clothes and pick out some of my favorites. I am then going to cut them into pieces and make a blanket. :)
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I was thinking about the exact same thing today- I have so much in my wardrobe now that is too big and I really do not want to keep "incase". Most of it was getting worn out anyway as I refused to buy anything new for ages until I had lost the weight.

    I am now getting to the stage where I need to clear my wardrobe as I am running out of space for new stuff- so I think I just need to bite the bullet and do it. I am just so pleased that didn't throw out my smaller clothes from a few years back as I now need them! (even some of those are getting too big though!)
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    I kinda understand what you mean. I had a ton of nice pants that I loved, and many that were pretty new, in size 16. They were never tight on me, they were always a LITTLE loose, but 14s were too tight or gave me muffin top. Once I dropped 15 lbs, the 16s would not even stay on me & with a belt, they were still sagging BADLY in my thighs & butt. I do NOT want to be that size again, ever, and I am dedicated to this lifestyle change, so I purged my closet yesterday. I got rid of 2 garbage bags full of pants & bought a few in my new size to get me by until I am the next size down.

    So, I say, get rid of them! That way you are committing yourself to never fit in them again! Even if they are pants you really like, buy them in the next size down! :) Congrats on your amazing progress. I can't wait until I am where you are!
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 699 Member
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    I get rid of them as soon as they are too big, im determined to keep the weight off so I dont see any need to keep them (pma!). I put a load of things on ebay and made quite a nice bit of money as well :)
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    As I've grown out of something, I put it in a different room and made room in my wardrobe. As my husband and I have been losing together, we had a huge pile of excess clothes - I finally got rid of them all this week. I am soooo determined never to need those sizes again and it felt good dropping them all off at the charity shop.
  • When the Spanish explorer Cortes reached the New World, he ordered his men to burn their ships in the harbor. He did this in order to motivate them to succeed in settling the New World.

    I followed his lead. I've lost 86 pounds over the past 8 months and I've been giving away clothes on a regular basis. I'm not saving anything because I'm not going back.
  • 1985ldm
    1985ldm Posts: 14 Member
    my jeans which i got at my heaviest started getting a bit too loose - i chucked them in the tumble dryer and shrunk them a bit, now they fit :) i guess once youve tried any tricks to make them fit is when they should go. unless youre planning on gaining back that weight... :P
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Shirts - when I 'swim' in them. Trousers, shorts, when they fall off me.

    On a tight budget but when they look ridiculous on me, time for them to find a newer owner.

    I kept a few older clothes for yard work / camping so if they get destroyed I can throw them out.

    My recent NSV was FILLING a donation bag with my fat clothes.

    Oh, and some I kept will be for 'look at how big I used to be photos'/
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