New to MFP!

Hi! I am trying to lose weight once again, I lost but I put it back on, so my biggest thing is GETTING IT off (& staying motivated to do so) and actually keeping it off. I also get really bored with the foods I eat which are the usual: chicken, eggs, greek yogurt, fruits, and veggies...I need to spice up my menu selections but alas its slightly hard being a FT student, worker, and mommy. Any ideas would be great! Also: how do I track my exercise? I do alot of work out classes but im not sure how to track them (: Thank you!


  • hzarack
    hzarack Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome!! To track your exercises all you have to do is click the exercise button on the top of the page. Then it's just like adding your food! Any more questions just ask... everyone on here always seems more than willing to help... they've truly been great!
  • Thank you so much.
  • billtownsend
    billtownsend Posts: 75 Member
    to spice things up? One word, Salsa, I use pace myself and I change out the Chicken for lean Turkey breast and fish. I love my oatmeal also. Lots of good luck to you.
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    Hey! Welcome! try checking out some of the recipes that have been added to the database here on MFP. if you have the option of using a Heart rate monitor it is a great way to keep an accurate account of calories burned. MFP sometimes overestimates what actually is burned. Personally, when i started my weight loss "journey" I went to a dietician and she told me one of the biggest keys to losing weight is by keeping your metabolism going, one way to do that is by making sure that you eat at least 3 or the 4 food groups EVERYTIME you eat. even if you are just having a snack get a yogurt some almonds and a piece of fruit. It has made a huge difference for me! Enjoy this website and feel free to add me and ask questions as you are going!
  • Stayck77
    Stayck77 Posts: 7 Member
    Salsa is awesome for adding flavor to most meals. I found a recipe that uses it in crockpot chili! I eat it a lot. Beans are great protein. Oatmeal is also a great diet food. It keeps you feeling full and you can put just about any fruit in it to jazz it up. Add nuts for some protein and maple syrup (not processed sugar) and you're set! I eat it almost every morning. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can swap recipes! Best of luck on your journey!
  • Hey i also started today!! welcome to the site!
  • Thanks so much! I have heard lots of people talk about getting a crock pot/slow cooker for really yummy meals! I am going to try it sometime..Ill google good crock pot meals so I can prepare them ahead of time! Im going to try oatmeal tomorrow, lots of people talk about that too on this site, so it has to be good! Thanks & I have added you (:
  • YAY! good luck! (: Im actually starting tomorrow but I wanted to have the site up and running and figure out how it all works.