Tastes Changing

Ever since I started my food diary on MFP and started my Insanity workouts, I've notice that my cravings have changed. The other day, I turned down a DONUT at work and also some ice cream! Sweet just doesn't seem to do it for me anymore. Now, I crave spinach dip - only a little of course ;) - on whole grain bread, and hummus with Stacy's naked pita chips, as well as hard cooked eggs. I'm sure I can overdo it with my savory cravings, but I'm just so amazed at how my palate has changed.

Has anyone else experienced this?


  • cinzanofirenze
    Yes! very much so actually. It's amazing really, but when I first began I craved (most of all) fast food and coke. Now if I ever find myself having to eat fast food because of a time cramp I dread every second of it and it doesn't taste that great to me at all. It's no longer something I search out but avoid entirely. As far as Coke goes, I've lost all desire to drink it and never find myself craving it. The closest thing would be a kids size frozen mountain dew I allow myself at a movie sometimes, which I still find ridiculously tasty haha.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    Not in that way, but I am realizing I can eat less and still feel satisfied. At first, the 1200 calories didn't seem like enough, and I didn't know how I could manage that. It would force me to do a lot of working out so I could have more food. But the past couple days I've not worked out much, but managed to eat most of what I want and not feel hungry. That was odd... I didn't think I'd ever have an easy day like I did yesterday, I only earned 80 calories but I managed to make it worse.

    I feel like, I'm on the path to getting used to eating less; less snacking late at night, less binging or less of the constant grazing I used to do that put me up to 500 calories over.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Yes, I've experienced this also. For me, part of it is learning to appreciate the tastes of healthier foods & the other part of it is not wanting to undo the other healthy things I do for myself, e.g. exercising, sleeping enough, taking my vitamins, etc. Course, not sure I could resist a donut! :bigsmile:
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Yes! Loads. Its great. Decided to cut out all sugar free pop this month. The artificial sweetners are still bad for you. I don't drink tea or coffee so just water. It was hard at first but now I have no desire to drink it. Also I used to love chinese, but I had one recently and it tasted just fatty and not nice, felt like a bomb was lying in my stomach after too. So I am changing, but its all good. X
  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    A psychology professor once told me (and I've read articles as well) that cravings are your body's way of telling you that you need something. Craving for sugar/fat are common because in hunter/gatherer times, those types of foods were rare but also gave you an energy boost that was needed. Now they are very common but the brain still says "oh, I need that!"

    Good cravings though - like, say, the spinach in spinach dip - could just be your body's way if saying "i need more vitamins and minerals!"

    And speaking of spinach dip, if you can find the Skinny Spinach Dip recipe from the original biggest loser cookbook, its only 21cal/2Tablespoons. I can message you with it if you'd like!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I used to eat a lot of frozen meals and other processed foods with lots of preservatives. I just don't like the taste anymore. They taste very salty now.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    A psychology professor once told me (and I've read articles as well) that cravings are your body's way of telling you that you need something. Craving for sugar/fat are common because in hunter/gatherer times, those types of foods were rare but also gave you an energy boost that was needed. Now they are very common but the brain still says "oh, I need that!"

    Good cravings though - like, say, the spinach in spinach dip - could just be your body's way if saying "i need more vitamins and minerals!"

    And speaking of spinach dip, if you can find the Skinny Spinach Dip recipe from the original biggest loser cookbook, its only 21cal/2Tablespoons. I can message you with it if you'd like!

    Please do! And I believe you are correct about needing the vitamins,etc. Have never been good at getting enough fruits and veggies in my diet (my kids eat all my stash).
  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    Skinny Spinach Dip (makes 18 2T servings) [note: T = tablespoon; t = teaspoon)
    21 cal/serving; 1 g protein; 4 g carb; trace fat; less than 1mg cholesterol & figber; 33mg sodium

    1 (10oz) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed
    2/3 c. drained sliced water chestnuts
    3 whole green onions
    2 garlic cloves
    1/2 c. fat free sour cream
    1/2 c. fat free plain yogurt (I've also used 0% greek, but it changes the calories)
    1/2 t prepared hot mustard (I've used brown and dijon as well)
    salt & pepper to taste (don't skimp)

    Place the spinach in the center of a clean dishtowel. Fold the towel over the spinach and squeeze out as much moisture as possible. Set aside.

    In a food processor fitted with a chopping blade, combine the water chestnuts, green onions & garlic. Process until the mixture is finely chopped. Add the spinach. Process for 10 seconds or until combined. Add sour cream, yogurt & mustard. Season with S&P. Process for 30 seconds or until smooth. Transfer to serving bowl and cover. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving.

    I've had this last a week - if it doesn't get eaten before then. I've also made double batches because I can never seem to get to the store when the 10oz boxes of spinach are there and always end up with a larger bag. And I don't like having leftover water chestnuts either.