Does anybody go through this?

I sometimes feel as if Ihave a eating disorder. On some days when I eat, I can't stop. The sad part is it goes straight to my mid-section, which is where I hold my weight. I don't know when I'm full and I don't give my body enough time to tell me when I'm full. But here's the thing...this only happens when I'm at work. Isn't that crazy??? When I'm at home, I barely eat. I think I need to come up with a solution to this problem. Like leaving my money at home and staying away from the cafeteria and vending machines. I do all my eating/ snacking at work only. I am thinking that maybe I need some kind of appetite suppressants. Any good ones out there? Help me please :(

The only thing that has been working for me is drinking lemon water...


  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    You could be bored of stressed. I used to feel that way at work, then I started taking my 15 minute breaks and taking lunch away from my desk. I still dislike my job, but getting out of the office has helped me immensely.
  • SusanneWhittington
    here is a suggestion for you to maybe figure out what triggers it. Like at work when you feel the appetite cravings, was it right after a stressful incident at work. When you know the source it might help you fight it, when it is mental, appetite suppressants won't help.
  • Boomqueesha21
    I take snacks with me to work to avoid snacking at work. I work at Outback Steakhouse so it can be very tempting to have some cheese fries or a few bites of blooming onion. So I take special k 90 calorie bars or a cup of yogurt. The cereal bars generally fill me up and I'm able to control my hunger. Also knowing all the calories I burned in my Zumba workout, I tell myself I've worked to hard to blow it on junk food. Hope this helps!
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Could you be eating more at work due to stress? My best advice: take your lunch and snacks with you! Avoid the cafeteria & machines. If you have to eat at the cafeteria, do they have a salad bar, fresh fruit, bottled water? Make smart choices when you have to eat there.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I keep a bowl of sliced cucumber soaking in apple cider vinegar on my desk. It's been working for me so far.
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    Yes it does happen which for me, it helps to plan my meals and snacks. When you get that urge to hit the vending machines or careteria pull out what you have planned for the day fruit 100 cal snack- which there are lots. Just be prepared I eat every 2 to 3 hours not only does it keep my metabolism up keeps me from binging on the wrong stuff.
  • twocsmom
    twocsmom Posts: 120 Member
    I used to snack all the time at work, but this year I started leaving my cash at home and taking snacks (bag of carrots, almonds and raisins, etc.) and it has helped tremendously!
  • kutterba
    kutterba Posts: 107 Member
    stress. you have stress at work; coworkers eating also? When eating time comes, take a walk! Bring your lunch - something you like - and stick with earning your exercise calories by walking-outside if you can! A coworker (over 300lbs!) walked on lunch every single day! and she lost a hundred lbs!!! Give it a try-it may work for you.
    good luck.
  • allybub
    how about taking a packed lunch from home and only eating what you take to work. then you wont be tempted in the cafeteria, if the weathers good you could eat your lunch out doors. We have a lot of biscuits to help our selves to at work and i used to trough them, i havent had one since christmas and i dont even think about them any more. I just plan what i eat through the day and take it with me. when its gone its gone. i take cerial (bran flakes) for mid morning snake and eat them dry from a small box with a cup of tea.
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    Something that works for me is *slow down*. Chew each bite fully - take your time. I used to race through meals so that was something I had to re-learn. Also drink water before eating (which it seems you're already doing). Another big one for me was to always have the healthy snacks between meals. I usually go for fruit or fat-free yogurt. If you always keep a bit of fuel in the tank, it won't take you as much to feel full at meal time. I also hear that if you are eating with a spoon or fork, to put it down after every bite. Another problem I heard about is eating in front of TV. You tend to be focused on the show and not what you are eating so you can tend to over-eat. You are likely not watching TV at work (or maybe you are?) but there could be something else you are focusing on that is distracting you from what you are eating.
    Hang on - did you say vending machines? Cafeteria? You will probably be better off making your own lunches. Load them up with healthy food. Lots of fruit etc. It will be a lot better for you and probably cheaper.
    Anyway, a few tips for you. All the best and good luck.
  • Porcha1985
    You guys and I mean all of you are so supportive. Bringing my food to work will be a very good start. I just have to learn when I'm done, I'm done! I am def gonna start leaving every single penny at home. Thanks for the tip of taking a break and walking around...that sounds like a plan!
  • Porcha1985
    Slowing down is a big issue for me but something I def need to work on. I eat like my food is running away from me and thats not a good thing. I eat in front of my computer...
  • hecallsmeroses
    I have an extremely high stress job and I was stress eating out of control. I keep a sheet of paper under my keyboard and I record everything I eat during working hours. I have learned to stop mindless eating even though my side partner eats constant it doesn't bother me now. I usually eat a large breakfast--oatmeal tends to keep me full until 10 and then I will run to the break room and down a yogurt that holds me until lunch. I drink water constantly in between and late afternoon snacking is my worst so I always make sure to have yogurt or cottage cheese snack sizes in the fridge. If you don't have a fridge at work, pack a cooler with good eats and keep it somewhere where you can get to it instead of the vending machine. Journaling helps me SO MUCH I swear by it.

    I sometimes keep grapes or a banana in my purse because they are quiet foods I can eat without crinkling paper or wrappers.