Just Joined !

I am roaming around this site trying to figure everything out -- WOW -- I am amazed at all you are offering to us for free. This is so REFRESHING to have something to help me (and others) that does not cost money. For me, losing weight is hard enough without spending my paycheck to an organization. Thank you MyFittnesspal.com for your committement to help us for free. I am extremely GRATEFUL!


  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Just take it one day at a time, log in all your food intake and start moving and you'll see some great results. Add friends who will motivate you to keep going. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend. I have been using this site for 6 months now and I am close to losing 50 pounds....it has been a wonderful journey (hard at times), but my wonderful friends on MFP have kept me going :-)
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! :happy:
    There are many helpful, inspiring & encouraging people here.
  • CarlaJean140down
    CarlaJean140down Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome :)
  • Danielaura
    Hi, I am Daniela.
    Recently joined as I heard about my fitness pal from a friend.
    I am 23, I've decided that I wanted to kick my bad habits and start doing something for me for a change.
    I have my best friends wedding coming in june next year I am really wanting to look good for that, cause later in my life
    I want to look back and think man I was smoking back then.
    I joined here to be keep me motivated, makes think about what I am putting my mouth and what choices
    I can make that are better for me.
    Just thought I would share my thoughts!