Just joining today.

My friend is a member on here and she said it is the easiest website to track everything. I just put my breakfast in and boy, I had forgotten how fast calories add up. Of course I would love to lose 2 lbs a week but have made recent changes in not eating at night before bed and drinking more water that I am trying to instill for the moment. In addition I am an emotional eater, have had mutliple health issues recently and am looking for something that can work with "me" as I seem to quit everything I start because it is too stringent or I can't stick with it. I have accomplished almost everything else I have set my mind to, including quitting smoking and finishing my second of two master's degrees but weight is the ONE thing I can't seem to manage. Hoping this sight will provide me with good insight, new friends and support that I need to get through!


  • ConnieSG
    Welcome!! You have come to thr right site!! There is so much information and support here that this will be another goal you accomplish. Congratulations on your 2nd Masters. That is a hugh accomplishment. Just take one day at a time with the weight lose and before you know it, the weight will come off.

    Feel free to add me if you would like
  • wbutterfras
    You can add me also. I love to have new friends here and support each other.
  • lkwalker71
    lkwalker71 Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome - hope you enjoy this site. It has really opened my eyes and helped me to make better decisions. Feel free to add me as well. Congrats on quitting smoking and your second masters.