Costume Changers Forum (Week 1)



  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    We had a day at a theme park today, and despite all the junk food on offer managed to eat fairly healthily. I'm not sure how far we walked - OH's runkeeper said 12km, my pedometer said 4.8km, but I'm using the one on the i-phone and I'm not sure how accurate it is. We were there for 6.5hrs, and on our feet most of the time, but a lot was spent in queues and the rest was at toddler pace. I think I'll log 3 miles, plus the 2 I cycled this morning.

    Can anyone recommend a good pedometer for the i-phone? Preferrably one that doesn't use internet signal and I'm on a pay as you go service.Otherwise I think I'll invest in a cheap one.
  • 7 miles so far this week!! :-)

    I saw the question earlier but I can't do the quote on my phone. Im excited to get this weight off so I can dress as "Snooki" from jersey shore! I'm looking forward to Halloween for the first time in years. :)
  • LolaVaantz
    LolaVaantz Posts: 74 Member
    I'm not doing bad so far. I've incorporated Couch 2 5K as my mileage program, as I'm only just starting on MFP and working out in general, the full 100 miles may not happen for me in the next month and a half BUT but being part of the challenge i'm logging every day, tracking what goes in and how much, and have motivated myself on even really bad days to just MOVE at some level. 3rd run/jog/walk of my C25K is tonight and i'm hoping I can get the full 20 minutes of moving (I've only made it about 15 minutes before shin splints happen in the walk/jog format). I have started wearing a pedometer and range from 1mile at my office job to nearly 2 miles (not counting any outside of work steps!)

    All in all, i've also decided I don't want to weigh in for a couple of weeks, i'm not ready to know honestly. I feel like i'm working my booty off, but i'm not ready for a number.
  • Ugh, I've been struggling :( haven't been to the gym in about two weeks and I've been indulging in ritz and peanut butter waaayyy too much! How do you guys get back into the swing of things? I'm finding it so hard!
  • Suzyder
    Suzyder Posts: 12 Member
    It's great to see so many other people who are doing or have done couch to 5k. I'll be doing W2D2 tomorrow. W1D3 kicked my butt- I was exhausted when I got done and crashed for the rest of the day-- but I did W2D1 two days later -in the morning- and it went much better. Does anyone have any tips for getting my butt up in the morning to work out?

    I also explored the fitness center at my school for the first time today and have been trying to bike more. i'm also going to be doing some ballroom dancing and pilates. And maybe some Zumba? I think I might stick at this longer if I do different activities throughout the week. What kind of activities do you guys do?

    Also-- I have PCOS and need to be low carb (MD and dietician recommended). Anyone else? I'm pretty new to it, so I'd love to have someone to talk to to trade recipes/ideas.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hello all,
    I have been trying to get in 10 miles per day on the exercise bike. It takes about 40 - 45 minutes to complete it. I also walk the dog once per day and we do 1.5 to 2.5 miles per walk. I have not lost a lot of pounds, but the inches on my hips, waist etc. are falling off.
  • I've done super bad the past 2 days. Shark week started, and whatever.

    I'm looking for excuses - terrible. I'm getting a gym membership October 1st, and a pedometer. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • Hi Everyone!!

    I've had a pretty good week so far. I've run a bunch and rode my bike, until I got a flat tire which was a major bummer!

    If we're doing insanity or P90X or any other type of cardio do we add this into our miles?
    I should probably get a pedometer though huh to be able to tell how many steps I took??

    I'm really loving this though, being held accountable for my weight only once a week is PERFECT and I know I have so many other people trying their hardest too!

    Good job everyone. Week 1 is almost DONE!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Elana you are awesome, thank you so much for doing this!

    I've been tracking my miles and calories on the document you created for us. I know it's intended that we not log anything until Monday but I wanted to keep track of it somehow. I've been on my elliptical every evening this week, and I don't know some people do alot of miles at one time! I'm up to 1.25 miles but I'm pooped by the time I'm done!

    I have a question though. What are the differences between running on a treadmill/elliptical and actual running, outside? I'd love to eventually be a runner but I'm intimidated by it, and want to ease my way into it. Are there any reasons you should do one vs another?

    Have a great Friday everyone!

    Couch to 5K is awesome. The trick is to stick to the program. Even if you feel like you can run longer or more often. Stick with the program.

    There is also an app you can get that tells you exactly when to walk/jog, warmup cooldown and when you are halfway and finished.
    You then play your playlist with it.

    I finished week 8, day 2 tonight with a 28 minute run. In the beginning I was dying duringthe short jogs. Good Luck!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Elana rocks!

    This challenge is keeping me accountable as I head into a hectic week of moving to a new state! I've been so stressed with the job search as well as packing and planning that normally I'd be eating my weight in cookies and beer. But with the challenge I just hop on the treadmill, load up an episode of my favorite show and walk it all away.

    Thanks everyone, we'll be changing costumes soon enough!

    BTW, some people answered already, but what are your costumes going to be this year?

    I ill be going as Bellatrix Lestange from Harry Potter! Can't wait!
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Hi guys!!!

    I was doing so good until last night. I went to a party and ate toooooo much.... I think I got carry away, the food was sooooo super good!!!!! But today will workout heavily!!! Thanks to this challenge I am soooooooo motivated!!!!!!!!!
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Hi guys!!!

    I was doing so good until last night. I went to a party and ate toooooo much.... I think I got carry away, the food was sooooo super good!!!!! But today i will workout heavily!!! Thanks to this challenge i am soooooooo motivated!!!!!!!!!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    So, we weigh in on Monday morning, correct?
    And our miles for the week count though Sunday, right?
  • carhicks - You are ridiculously inspiring! Someday I'll be able to do 10 miles on a bike! Great job!

    shankleefranklee - I get the same way with TV shows. I'm staying with a friend right now who has a treadmill so I've been watching my show (True Blood) online WHILE I run. It keeps my going for exactly an hour and I never think about the work I'm doing because I'm so into the show! When you get your gym membership, plan on going when Shark Week stuff is playing and then hop and elliptical or treadmill and go! You'll be surprised how many miles slip by while you watch sharks devour things

    ASPhantom - What an AMAZING costume! I hope we get some pictures! And yeah, I believe it's Monday weigh in and logging in miles (so Sunday miles would count)

    luvlyluv - I'm really bad at parties too. It's so hard to stay away from the snack table! But great job staying positive and working it off!

    I'm trying to log a bunch of miles now because I'm moving to DC, the farthest I've ever been from home, on Wednesday and I know things will be rough in that area of time. The good news is I live a few blocks from Rock Creek Park which is huge and has lots of running trails. I just hope I can meet someone to jog with me until I figure out the good ones! Great work everyone! You all are so inspiring!
  • I'm strictly logging "exercise" miles, not my running around at work - that's just my own lil personal goal though...I walk a lot in the run of a day so I want to ADD 100miles to my norm :)

    Can't update my ticker again till Monday morning cause it's saved on my comp at work, hahaha.

    Went for dinner and a movie last night, had just a salad for lunch knowing I'd be eating out, but chose Pineapple Chicken Stir Fry with extra veggies eventhough I was DYING for a greasy feed!!! Proud of that choice today :)

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Finished Week 8 of C25K today! Not only that but, I ended up doing 5.5 miles.

    It was really nice and I had fun! Had the trails mostly to myself!

    Also, today was my half-way point for 30 DS. (thankfully)
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    1st week of C25K done! I'm going to repeat week 1 next week as well. I want to protect my slightly old knees by taking it easy on them but still be able to burn more calories than walking alone. I love my App, it helps me.

    15.45 miles so far. Those miles include walk/runs, walks and trikking
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    Went to an 80's themed party last night....only had a couple of fruit based drinks and totally refused the fatty buffet (chips, crisps, sausage rolls etc) very proud of myself for that :) plus I think i must have burned a ton of calories with all my crazy 80's dancing ;D My feet are killing me this morning, lol.
  • elana1987
    elana1987 Posts: 135 Member
    You all are doing great!!! :) So happy!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    I've had a bad week so this week so I'm going to be attempting to do all of this in 5 instead!! I got some kind of cold that had me down for most of the week. I'm better now but my daughter is sick instead. Going to take her to the doctor later today. So new week with me at nothing different except that I'll have some miles under me once I figure out how much I've gotten in this week:)