how to stay fit without the gym?

hello everyone!

i've just started uni and as i am now a poor student i can't afford my gym membership anymore.

anyone else in the same boat? what do you do instead?

i should warn you that i am not a runner ( its not that safe around here anyway and too many students think theyre in a fashion show.)

any suggestions much appreciated. :smile:


  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I love to go hiking, through wooded trails. Just make sure you have decent shoes.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i have never been to a gym, i have workout dvds, and make up my own routines as well. i also have a stepper, which is good(though noisy if you arent on the ground floor!) and some weights for strength training.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i have never been to a gym, i have workout dvds, and make up my own routines as well. i also have a stepper, which is good(though noisy if you arent on the ground floor!) and some weights for strength training.
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    i just got a cheap bike off craigslist, and i do 30day shred at night after my kids go to bed.. i also am a runner though.. :D maybe trail running?
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    I would check out and do research on some workout Dvd's.. such as Insanity, P90X, Turbo Jam, 30 DAY SHRED, etc.....check out Couch to 5k:wink:
  • MColette
    I can't go to the gym since I have 3 babies, so I workout whenever I have the chance with videos, you can buy really cheap ones from They have a huge selection to choose from :)
  • xtravisfx
    xtravisfx Posts: 44 Member
    Does the university have a gym? Most do (in the states anyway) and it's included in the cost of tuition. If not, bicycling, doing the stairs in your dorm or apartment building etc...
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'm very fit and haven't stepped foot in a gym in over 10 year, the germs there alone keep me away :) I stated with DVD's and upgraded to Insanity and P90X. I am a runner, but you don't have to run to be fit. Years ago I took a college course on how to use home items like cleaned out bleach bottles filled with sand or water to lift when you couldn't afford weights, or old nylons at resistance bands. You can also find bunches of videos on YouTube, just make your own plan.

    It's sad to me that you view runners as a fashion show, I don't ever worry about what anyone may think when I'm out running, and most runners I've met at races really don't care either.
  • robynroo
    well to help anyone, here is a list, of "all" workout links on the internet. etc.

    and thats what i do from time to time.
    also finding new workouts to do on the internet.
  • Ritamas2
    Hi there,
    there are some wonderful walking dvd's by Leslie Sansone
    she is amazing and inspiring! Good luck sweetheart in finding
    something that works for you, if you have a wii game system there
    is also the bowling, tennis and boxing etc on there that burns calories!

    Also don't forget to log your chores if any and all the walking i'm sure you do around campus,
    walking in my opinion, is some of the best exercise out there!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I've lost 75lbs without ever stepping foot in to a gym. I started just by walking and now I run but you don't have to (LOL). I got my first elliptical machine off of Freecycle and used it for 6 months every day til it fell apart. I have since now spent money on a treadmill (got it at a rummage for CHEAP) and my husband gave me a new elliptical machine for Xmas.

    There are tons of workout videos (the 30 Day Shred is VERY popular) and other things you can do in a small space. Otherwise walking is a great option and your school likely has an indoor place to workout/walk etc if you know where to look.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Does the university have a gym? Most do (in the states anyway) and it's included in the cost of tuition. If not, bicycling, doing the stairs in your dorm or apartment building etc...
    This...all of the universities I've been at have gyms free for students to use.
    Also do you have a part time job or are you going to get one? I lost a lot of weight working in a bookstore-lifting boxes, running up and down stairs, stepping up and down on the step stool to shelve etc. or you could volunteer at the library if that's your thing, but I seriously lost 60 lbs just by eating healthy and working in a bookstore within about 7 mos.

    oh and walk everywhere you can.
  • VemmaMom
    VemmaMom Posts: 82 Member
    good luck! I love Jillian Michaels videos. They actually save you hours in the gym. Im kind of a gym snob and get bored and want a change. Get sick of the gym crap. So I always know I can rely on my girl when I need a good workout and guess what its cheap and usually HARD and you get results.....
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    If you've got cable/satellite, see if you have an "on demand"-type thing. We have Cox Cable and they offer an Exercise/Health on demand. ExerciseTV on there is pretty great. It has beginner type workouts, pilates, target workouts, even harder stuff (like Jillian Michaels!). That's what first introduced me to Leslie Sansone's walks, as stated earlier she is awesome.

  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I see you said you just started at a University? Almost every college and university has some sort of recreational center. Every college (big, small, 2-year, 4-year, public, private etc) I have went to has something. Might be something to look into as an alternative.

    Before I purchased my gym membership, however, I always worked out at home. I purchased a few DVDs (Jillian Michaels and all her different ones, Tae Bo with Billy Blanks, odds and ends dancing videos), a yoga mat, some hand weights (2,5, and 8 I got stronger) and worked out at home.

    One of the most AWESOME parts about the internet is that you can youtube and hunt down ALL SORTS of free workouts. This way, it can help you guide your way until you can setup your own routines.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    There are plenty of options! I like running outside, but if that's not an option for you, DVDs can be great.
    Someone suggested the school's gym, which is something to look into-- my college had a discount rate to students, we could swim there, use the machines, etc.

    My other suggestion is to consider working at a gym. A lot of the childcare, front desk, swim instructors, towel-washers, etc, at my gym are college kids. I have 3 little kids, so I'm a gym-rat for the childcare aspect alone, and I love the college gals who work in the daycare, some I've had babysit for us at home, too.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Walk everywhere you can, run up stairs to class, do bodyweight resistant workouts like be creative about using things around you like outdoor concrete seating for jumping up & off, overhead railings for chin ups (or just lowering yourself), play like a kid--climb on monkey bars, play ultimate frisbee, soccer, or Marco Polo in a pool. Make exercise fun and part of your day and it won't be a chore.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    UNI has a great recreation fitness center that is free to students...included in your student fees. Take advantage of it!
    I wish I could be a college student again!! :smile:
  • joliejolie123456
    thanks for all the advice.

    i've just checked and apparently the university does have a gym... but you've got to pay annually for membership. i guess it's only free in the states :(

    i walk to uni every day (45 minutes each way) so i guess that's better than nothing for now :)