Does anyone else?

have these things happen to you after a long walk, or certain weather conditions

Does anyone else? 37 votes

Get puffy, bloated, swollen hands
JainWynterbournecharmarbobarcsplattMamaRissdancingonstarzchloem33kdubscEliseTK1arbrooks505spiriteagle99rtlsninasnonsensespringlering62pridesabtchvianapoliAppleFitnessfanmtarczynski257 18 votes
Have trouble taking shoes off straight after
Get an itchy red rash on arms
mychellelynnePeachHibiscusLaura93_ScienceofTeachingBluBug74 5 votes
LiveOnceBeHappyhloeza619tiffanyleilarsenMovinNowmrmota70Mischantemareeya88penelopearchibald8Snappers007 9 votes
1 & 2
RitaAnn34GazelleLadysugarfreesquirrel 3 votes
All 3
slovercarlyeGoalsforchris 2 votes


  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,767 Member
    Get puffy, bloated, swollen hands
    In summer I can get swollen hands when hiking. Using a hiking pole elevates the hands, which reduces the swelling. Or if wearing a pack, I will hook my thumbs into the chest strap. I've never had red arms, but my ankles used to get a red rash that was painless. I was told it was from the elastic in my socks. When the legs got a bit swollen from water retention, the socks would be just enough too tight to cause a rash.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,252 Member
    Mildly puffy hands occasionally, but not enough to check that box.

    I'm at risk for arm lymphedema (lymph nodes surgically removed under one arm). If I get a hint of swelling, I'll raise my arms over my head and walk (looks goofy, so what?) for a while.

    A short rest with self massage may help as well. Start by light-pressure stroking the part closest to the body, such as upper arms (if it's arms rather than feet). Stroke toward the body.
    After doing that for a bit, stroke the part just below (such as forearm), then the extremity (hands), still stroking toward the body. If you can do that while holding the massaged arm above your heart/shoulder, so much the better. (This was taught to me by a lymphedema physical therapy specialist: I didn't make it up.)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I can get swollen hands if I'm on a long walk and it's hot...but I usually notice this when I haven't properly hydrated. I've never had issues taking my shoes off, but I have had swollen feet after long, strenuous mountain hikes and my flip-flops have never felt more comfortable.
  • AppleFitnessfan
    AppleFitnessfan Posts: 10 Member
    Get puffy, bloated, swollen hands
    My hands tend to swell when Walking out doors in temps greater than 90 degrees.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I will get some swelling of the hands and feet if running in hot weather. Guessing its related to my level of dehydration. Like @cwolfman, I'm glad to shed running shoes and switch to flip flops once the run is over.
  • sugarfreesquirrel
    sugarfreesquirrel Posts: 268 Member
    1 & 2
    I think the issue with taking shoes off, is difficulty sitting down. It usually happens when I walk for an hour or more.
  • Snappers007
    Snappers007 Posts: 4 Member
    I can't say that I do, fortunately.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 9,046 Member
    Get puffy, bloated, swollen hands
    “Sausage fingers” during long walks. Wedding ring would squeeze and be painful, and couldn’t bend fingers.

    But now that I think about it, it hasn’t happened for a couple of years. Maybe weight loss helped? Or maybe it’s the magnesium citrate my doctor recommended for muscle cramps around the same time?
  • PeachHibiscus
    PeachHibiscus Posts: 163 Member
    Get an itchy red rash on arms
    I have eczema and heat/humidity can cause it to flare. I also learned the hard way in my teens not to mindlessly touch foliage while out for a walk. Let's just say Benadryl was my friend for about a week after that incident.
  • ninasnonsense
    ninasnonsense Posts: 39 Member
    Get puffy, bloated, swollen hands
    My fingers swell up if I'm even a little active once it gets warm. They've done it my whole life. It's hereditary. My mam has the same thing. It's a circulation thing apparently. I looked into it ages ago but I can't remember the actual cause of it, just that it's not dangerous and a surprisingly high preportion of the population have it.
  • Dellagirl5316
    Dellagirl5316 Posts: 24 Member
    I would recommend drinking more water and maybe doing stretches with arms while walking
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,517 Member
    Get puffy, bloated, swollen hands
    Yep, I have to make sure I take my wedding rings off before I run or walk for any length of time. Especially when it's warm out, but even when it's cold I can't stand to wear gloves because my hands get hot and swell. My hands also go numb when I bike (pressure points) or paint (arms raised for a long time). Always just figured it was a circulation thing. Best of luck!
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    Get puffy, bloated, swollen hands
    My hands get swollen and painful. I find “power walking” with my hands level with my elbows helps a lot