Apple Watch Syncing

Hey friends!! Does anyone know why is it that when you do a work out and your Apple Watch states you burned 250 Cals and then you log into my fitness pal and it says 117? Does anyone know why??


  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,187 Member
    mine doesn’t do this. are you using the Workout feature? is it the difference between calories burned and active calories burned?
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    edited June 2023
    In all honesty, it’s extremely confusing.

    You may have the Apple Watch Calorie Adjustment turned on.

    Here is my take on it.

    I am set for “very active” on my MFP profile. That means I’m automatically awarded more calories to eat than someone who is sedentary or low activity.

    This is an aquafit class I did this morning.


    I earned 244 “active” calories. These are over and above the calories I would have also earned if I were just sitting and breathing. Active + living and breathing calories total 332.

    But, this is how MFP applies the Apple Watch calories:


    You can see the 244 calories for the aquafit class.

    But, because I’m already getting extra calories for being “very active”, there’s an adjustment of -184 calories total for all my activity thus far today.

    Otherwise I’d be getting way more exercise calories to eat than I’m due.

    So it’s just an offset, probably based on your activity level.

    Makes perfect sense. NOT.

    Some days, when I’ve earned 1,000’ish and it backs off 350, I get really really……bummed. It can feel like punishment, when it’s just an adjustment.
  • Trish00197100
    Trish00197100 Posts: 5 Member
    @springlering62 i just checked mine and both workouts today are 1 calorie of from from what MFP shows so pretty accurate for me. You mentioned getting extra calories for being very active. I selected “sedentary” because other than my workouts I’m sitting most of the day at my job. Does that sound right for me? I’m new to MFP so trying to get a handle on this.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    @Trish00197100 there’s no real set guidelines, because it’s all highly individual, but yes, it sounds like sedentary is accurate.

    Some people counsel using your step count as a guideline. How many steps are you getting per day?

    If you’re new, give it a couple of months. If you’re losing at the rate you intended, then you’re right on the money. If you’re losing slightly faster, give yourself the grace of more calories.

    Also, a reminder if you’re new- weight loss is not a straight downward graph. It’s absolutely normal to have a pound or three variation up and down on a random daily basis. as long as your overall trend is downward, that’s all that matters.

    You may be sore from new workouts and retaining (a lot of!!!) water as a result. New foods (we all try newer, “healthier” foods during the honeymoon phase, am I right?!) can cause constipation or water gain. Family or job stress can cause gain. For me, cabin pressure from a flight is good for six pounds. Some people “gain” water weight in hot weather. And then there’s those lovely monthly cycles. 🤬

    Give yourself a couple of months before adjusting. It’s also a great period to really learn how to log, read the boards for advice, and start to set some new habits in motion.

    And don’t jackrabbit. I’ve been following these boards for four and half years now and the one thing I see that makes -and keeps- people successful is slow, steady, thoughtful loss. The ones who are panting to lose a couple pounds a week are gone in a week or two. They never took the time to read and learn that “oh yeah, most people lose four or five immediately and then ‘regain’ almost as fast”. That’s just water weight screwing with your head.

    You’ll learn so much on these boards if you dedicate some time to browsing them regularly.

    I may be wrong about this, but I feel like my Apple Watch has “learned” me and has become more accurate as I’ve used it.

    It’s been an amazing tool. My one true dislike is that it doesn’t recognize rest time. It continues to prompt me to “stand” even if I’ve already logged a couple classes, bike rides and several long walks. It also chides me if I don’t “increase” my activity on a regular basis. At one time Apple was issuing automated challenges to increase steps or exercise minutes. I already do a ridiculous amount of both and was flipping out til I stepped back and decided I control it, not vice versa.
  • Trish00197100
    Trish00197100 Posts: 5 Member
    @springlering62 thank you for the info. I’m new to MFP but not to weight loss. I lost about 130 pounds with WW but since last August I’m now up 13 and struggling with WW’s new plan so I’d give counting calories a try. I added up a few WW days where I was at or slightly over points and calories were just over 1,000 which I know is too low! I’m 52, 5’3” and currently 156 pounds. I was very comfortable with myself at 143 and want to get back there. I workout every morning for at least 30 minutes but sometimes if I do more then one workout it could be over an hour. I do a mix of cardio and resistance.