just joined a few days ago

Hi, I just joined Fitness Pal, and added it as an app on my new phone. I'm a late starter to fitness, but I really want to lose the weight this time and make it for life. I have lost in the past by just eating sensibly and I'm really giving it a try this time by hoping to make the real commitment for life! Hello to friends over 60 like me and anyone who'd like to chat!


  • Bevbu
    Bevbu Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ,i have been a member for a month and have lost 10 pound,i am 54 and have been dieting all my life.This time i am going to do it.It is so much harder the older you get but good luck MFP is a godsend for me.
  • shtaylor
    Hi, I'm 65 and like you I have dieted all my life. Hopefully this time it will be the last and I will not gain weight back. MFP has been wonderful, it makes me be accountable, even if just to mysel. I joined MFP in April and so far have lost 36 pounds, have about 30 more to go.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Hello and welcome to MFP! I'm 53 and have been dieting all my life too. I've lost my weight and am focused on maintaining it using MFP. I veered away and have come back knowing the phone app and site are what I need to keep track of my nutritional needs and watch those downfalls to change up. Plus, there are some great things shared on this site (recipes, exercises for all levels and ah-ha moments). :flowerforyou:
  • Bredie
    Hi - I'm 54 and been around the block many times with this dieting/exercise thing. Why is MFP a godsend? Thanks!
  • memith
    Hi everyone, I can't say truthfully that I have been dieting all my life. I have lost weight in the past for various reasons. One time in my 20's, I lost about 70 lbs, but that was due to illness. I lost about 60 lbs on my own about two years ago, just by eating sensibly. I have since regained about half of that 60, but now I am really on a path of making good decisions. My doctor put me on low carbs, he only wants me to have 60g per day, but I find that unreasonable. For the first few days I was so jittery and nervous, and one day I was almost crying because I couldn't have a piece of bread. I have since modified my carb intake to a more reasonable level, and I don't feel jittery anymore. I just started on August 8, and I would say I've lost about 6 pounds so far. I have cut out all sweets, I eat very little potatoes, no rice or starches of any kinds. I eat high fiber bread only, and high fiber cereal. I try to distribute the carb intake more evenly over the three meals or snacks, as I don't feel well if I only have carbs in the morning. It's nice to meet new friends here! Any comments sincerely appreciated.
  • Bevbu
    Bevbu Posts: 4 Member
    Because it keeps me on track,having to enter everything i eat ,i didn't realize how much i was actually eating ,also that i can eat more if i do more exercise,not that i do.I have tried every diet going and this is the only thing working for me.