Hi Iam new to this website

Hi my name is Rachel... and I have lost 40lbs before and and gained it back.... truthfully... when I was down 40lbs I felt the best I could ever remember feeling... trying on clothes and going shopping were so fun for me...and back then I was a size 8 and know Iam a size 14. I really need to get back into the mind set of doing it agian.. but Iam stuck and I dont know how to do it. Any Ideas? This time my plan is to keep it off for life


  • classyhoney
    classyhoney Posts: 75 Member
    Hey I'm April Joy and I can completely relate to your story. I also lost weight around 30 pounds and gained it back. The best things to do right now is just start counting calories again and get moving. Remember how good it felt when you accomplished a goal and just do it and keep doing it. I'll add you as friends on here.
  • changeisgood55
    Welcome! The best advice I can tell you is to record all the calories you eat and drink on this site and make sure you burn more calories than what you take in. This site will help you know how many calories a day you should take in. Then find an exercise that you enjoy doing and make sure to do that everyday. Every so often try something new to confuse your body a bit. If you eat the same thing and do the same thing every day your body gets used to it and you won't lose weight. Also, take measurements of your chest, waste and hips. That way if you reach a point where the scale isn't moving, re-measure. You maybe losing inches and not pounds and that will make you feel good.
    Good luck! And feel free to friend me if you like.
  • larat71
    So good to know that I am not the ONLY one that has lost it and gained it back (a few times)! I lost about 40 pounds when I first met my husband, got sick, had a hysterectomy and gained about 40 of it back:( Now, like you, I am here to get rid of it for good! My cousin (who is also a member here), has used the method of setting small goals for her self. Every time she loses 10 pounds, she rewards herself with a new article of clothing! Sounds good to me:) Good luck!
  • rgillan
    Hey, I am in the same boat as you -- 2.5 years ago I lost 30 pounds and then gradually allowed it to be put back on. I even went above my previous highest weight. What I needed was motivation and inspiration, and I decided that (among other factors) I wanted to be in good shape for myself and my fiancee.

    Light cardio exercise that gets your blood flowing starts to become addictive quickly, and using this site to calculate your daily caloric intake is a huge plus for me -- seeing it all on screen makes it that much more real! I'm down 10 pounds and I'm not "dieting"... we are both just watching our portion sizes (counting calories) and cooking with healthy ingredients. We also picked up a used stationary bike (recumbent... the comfortable kind) from craigslist for $50 and having that and some light weights around are great. I stuck the bike in front of a TV and the next thing you know you've burned a few hundred calories almost mindlessly! It has been a good way to keep the bike from seeming like a chore.

    Also, drink lots of water. Any time you are hungry, have some more water. And find SOMETHING in your life to motivate you. It could be health, a relationship or maybe you just want to feel good and go shopping again with confidence.

    Some days will be easier than others but if you treat it seriously it will flow seamlessly into your daily routine and that's when you will start to see consistent results.

    All the best,
  • StarGeezer
    Welcome to you both (Rachel and April Joy)! You've already taken your first step... just by coming here to MFP! The community here is your best weapon in your arsenal...folks are friendly, supportive and very knowledgeable. Use the various tools here...the diary is indispensable for tracking your meals, recording your exercise, and seeing your progress as you see your weight and inches melt away over time. Keeping a positive attitude, sticking with your plan and goals (even when you occasionally stumble), and relying on the encouragement of your friends you make here are all means at your disposal toward becoming a healthier, fitter you.

    Feel free to add me to your friends, I'll be more than happy to hand out high-5's and whatever other support I can. :happy:
  • Flower2585
    Thanks everyone for all the great ideas and tips... The way I lost my weight the last time was weightwatchers .. I never went to the meetings but I did get the books from a friend... and still plan on doing that, but I will start keeping track of the food I eat on this website...and I hope I will see a difference... Thanks for all the great support and great tips. :)
  • slippymcgee
    I think a big thing for me has been calling it a lifestyle change, not a diet. A diet implies that it will have an "end", but I want this to be the way I live my life. Everyone else has said it and it is just watching the calories and moving more! Good luck to you!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    There are also TONS of links to helpful information about how to navigate the site and get the most out of your mfp experience. Look around the "Newbies read this" section of the bulletin board. You'll find out lots of great info. Also just finding a support group can be super helpful. Welcome & good luck!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Double posted! :embarassed: