What's your fake name when you go out?



  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Not ever given a fake name I don't think. I think we were out once and all called another friend by a different name because of someone creepy practically stalking her, it was amusing at the time, but don't remember much of it now, too many other nights out and years since that night!!

    We did used to give friends numbers instead of our own though (with permission) and then we wouldn't be lying it we said sorry wrong number.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Chesty LaRoo.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I don't go to bars but I've given a fake name before to a guy at a bus stop who hit on me. I think he was drunk anyway but I told him my name was Mary. Years ago when I was living in Kansas, I dated a guy for months believing his name was Robert Johnson. It wasn't! When I finally found out he said he was afraid to tell me his real name because he thought I wouldn't go out with him. :huh: Seems he had a bad reputation. I would have gone out with him anyway because I'd never heard of him. :ohwell:
  • I don't think this was meant to be malicious. Considering the idea was "at a bar" which is inherently a very casual (if not "fake") venue to begin with, people often play little games just to have fun.

    Back in my bar days (a good 20 years ago) my best friend and I would give a fake name to drunken fools who approached us. Since they likely wouldn't remember it 2 minutes later anyway, it was just a means of amusing each other during the night. These were not people we were engaged in deep conversations with, nor did we expect to see them again past the next bathroom trip.

    That said, our fake name was Matilda. Many were the times we heard, "Dude! Wow, her name's Matilda, too!"
  • posesed
    posesed Posts: 16 Member
    I've used a fake name many times.

    You can tell people that you're not interested but that doesn't mean they'll leave you alone! Honestly who wants the creepy guy knowing your name!

    Depending on my mood Angelina or Quinn
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    No idea this is what one is supposed to do. What happens when you actually realize you might want to see the person again, and you have to explain that you made up a name. Weird.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Ya know....at this point in my life, I'd settle for anything other than Ma'am.
  • Adynata
    Adynata Posts: 128 Member
    I think the only time I've actually made up a story was when I was with a female friend at a gay bar. This guy comes over to us and just outright asks us if we're a couple. I'm all prepared to say "get lost" when she gets in there first with "yes we're a couple". Seeing as the guy wasn't put off by this, and is still insisting we go out with him, I start to play along. He's all "hey that's so cool! I watch a lot of lesbian porn, I'm practically a lesbian expert myself, lolololol". Sigh. So he asks us what we do for a living, and again my friend butts in with "we're pole dancers!" Oh dear. This of course only made things worse.

    I think I got a little bit too carried away when I told him the name of an actual strip club near by, gave him some vague directions, and told him he'd get a free dance if he dropped my name.
  • Ya know....at this point in my life, I'd settle for anything other than Ma'am.

    HAAH!! I get called "ma'am" ALL the time... =\
  • I think the only time I've actually made up a story was when I was with a female friend at a gay bar. This guy comes over to us and just outright asks us if we're a couple. I'm all prepared to say "get lost" when she gets in there first with "yes we're a couple". Seeing as the guy wasn't put off by this, and is still insisting we go out with him, I start to play along. He's all "hey that's so cool! I watch a lot of lesbian porn, I'm practically a lesbian expert myself, lolololol". Sigh. So he asks us what we do for a living, and again my friend butts in with "we're pole dancers!" Oh dear. This of course only made things worse.

    I think I got a little bit too carried away when I told him the name of an actual strip club near by, gave him some vague directions, and told him he'd get a free dance if he dropped my name.

    Lol Do you know if he really went over to the strip club to get a "free dance"?
  • Being2befit
    Being2befit Posts: 127 Member
    if i dont like you i will tell you i dont have a name ;) just to be a bit**
  • Adynata
    Adynata Posts: 128 Member
    Lol Do you know if he really went over to the strip club to get a "free dance"?

    I have no idea. Sadly we left shortly afterwards.
  • I think the only time I've actually made up a story was when I was with a female friend at a gay bar. This guy comes over to us and just outright asks us if we're a couple. I'm all prepared to say "get lost" when she gets in there first with "yes we're a couple". Seeing as the guy wasn't put off by this, and is still insisting we go out with him, I start to play along. He's all "hey that's so cool! I watch a lot of lesbian porn, I'm practically a lesbian expert myself, lolololol". Sigh. So he asks us what we do for a living, and again my friend butts in with "we're pole dancers!" Oh dear. This of course only made things worse.

    I think I got a little bit too carried away when I told him the name of an actual strip club near by, gave him some vague directions, and told him he'd get a free dance if he dropped my name.

    Regardless if this makes me a "bad person" I find this absolutely rofl funny.

    It reminds me of when Dharma and her girlfriend went out shopping with fake German accents on Dharma & Greg.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    I don't give a fake name. I don't get my kicks of embarassing someone or making fun of them later when they call me the wrong name. I am flattered that someone is interested, and able to be kind about it by not setting them up to be laughed at.

    What she said.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    95% of this thread got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    Chesty LaRoo.

    busty st claire
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    i really dont think she ment the nice guys who are intrested ,

    we all know there are creepy pervy dbags out there who after telling them your not interested and going to the other side of the bar still wont get the clue to back away lol thats when a fake name is perfect
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    My clubing days are so far back in the inner resources of my mind that it would take month to retrieve the data.

    However I do enjoy giving fake names at Starbucks when I order my coffee. My big favorites are Zelda for Zelda Fitzgerald, Liz for Lizzie Borden, Anne for Anne Boelyn, and Cathy for Catherine de Medici. Bascially troublesome, crazy or murderous women. I have considered adding Lucretia Borgia or Livia Drusilla to the list, but as it is the clerks are Starbucks cannot spell Amy or any of the above names correct so I am pretty sure Lucretia or Livia would cause their heads to explode.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    I don't think this was meant to be malicious. Considering the idea was "at a bar" which is inherently a very casual (if not "fake") venue to begin with, people often play little games just to have fun.

    lol THANK you...sorry, a bar/club isn't where i usually go to take someone home to mama, i go to have a good time
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Thanks to cell phones we can no longer give out fake numbers. Fake names and/or fake boyfriends are all we have left. I mean, if you don't like to be upfront and tell the dude you aren't interested.