Swimming Buddies :D

I'm just getting back into my swimming looking to making it 3 times a week to the pool. I've lost so much fitness so I feel like I'm back at square one. Summer is a coming fast! and I'd like to get out there and back at it! If anybody out there wants swimming buddies I'm up for it. None of my friends at home are swimmers so I need the motivation !!!! ADD MEE :D

I'm not the fitest person out there I only do about 1.5k to 2.5k per session or 30 to 40 mins (depending on my mood lol) at the moment I'm hoping to work towards 3k + by summer.

My long term goal it to complete a 4k lake swim next Feb :D


  • RunningAggie
    I would love to have a swimming buddy. I grew up swimming and used to do 2Km/day. I started tri training and realized that "they" changed the correct way to swim from the time I learned. I'm having to kinda relearn the proper form. I moved from Texas (where EVERYONE swims) to Canada where swimming isn't as popular a past time. So not many people I know swim (except the ones I'm meeting with the tri club).

    I like your picture. My son is into rugby and has dragged the rest of down that rabbit hole with him.
  • AquaAura
    very cool :D !!
    Yes it's a bit Rugby mad round these parts at the moment ( go all blacks :D) lol It's been an awesome world cup so far !!

    I'd love to do tris but I hate biking lol ..
    I want to get back into running too I was doing so well then I feel off that proverbial wagon but I'm getting back on it!
    I do love my swimming even though I feel so unfit ugh
  • ekusumo
    ekusumo Posts: 8 Member
    Hey there!
    I just started swimming regularly for the past month and would love to be your swimming buddy! Adding you!! :D

    However,I really can't figure out if I'm burning the calories that I'm supposed to burn. I swim breast stroke, about 30-40mins each time. After each swim, I don't feel particularly tired. Am I doing something wrong? (Or do I just have to swim faster?) What do you do to burn more calories in the pool?
  • AquaAura
    I'm no expert but the harder and longr you wim the more calories you'll burn. Check out swimplan.com great site for free swim programmes you can taylor it fit your level and what strokes you want to do. There are some great sites out there too for working out how many calories you've burnt.

    :) hope that helps a little