Hi Everyone

JaneAero Posts: 94 Member
edited July 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, my name is Carol I'm in England and I am 64 years old.
My start weight on June 4th of this year was 16 stone and so far I have lost 13lbs by counting calories.
I would like to reach 10 stone and then take it from there.
Ive been a yoyo dieter in the past but at the moment I need to be accountable and more determined, as I look after my husband who has Parkinson's disease, he needs lots of support and also support my 3 grown up children.
Two of them suffer from anxiety and my eldest daughter age 31 has stage four endometriosis, a very rare atrial tachycardia, retroperitoneal fibrosis and is being investigated as we speak for 2 liver tumors to see if they are benign or malignant.
I am mentally supporting my whole family and think that if I lose weight, even though it is stressful at the moment, I want to get in good shape to look after them all physically.
There is going to come a time when I'm having to push my husband's wheelchair around, or maybe caring for my daughter if she's in poor health by going around to her house and looking after her and I can't do that as I grow older unless im fit and healthy.
Sorry for the novel, I feel very alone and sad at the moment and losing weight feels like I can do something positive that will benefit the whole family.
My losing weight is insignificant in comparison to the struggles that my family is going through.
I'm not much use to anyone at the moment in any other way because I am so depressed, but I do have a doctors appointment this weekend to ask for antidepressants so hopefully that will help.


  • deemsvickie
    deemsvickie Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Carol my name is Vickie. I live in Georgia USA . So glad to hear you are doing something for yourself. It will definitely make you feel better. I'm so sorry your taking care of so many and your family is not well. God bless you for your love and compassion. We gotta do what we have to do and it's not always easy. I'm just starting back after 4 years of not exercising. I'm 63 and trying to lose 30 lbs. Id love to connect and support each other if you would like. God's Speed to you and your family.
  • michdblanchard
    michdblanchard Posts: 16 Member
    You sound like a saint and an Angel ,
    doing so much for your family .

    My wife is very much like you and does so much for others that she sometimes doesn’t have time for herself.

    I have to remind her that if she really wants to help others then she has to put herself first.
    What is the use in doing so much for others that you neglect yourself?
    Eventually you will not be able to help anyone.

    Keep pushing , you can absolutely lose the weight you want.
    It just takes sweat and motivation.
    You have motivation , I can read t in your comments.

    Take that same motivation, you have, for helping others, and use it to take care of YOU.

    You got this!!!!!

    I love reading post from members from the UK. When I see the term “Stone”, it makes me smile.

  • StaceyxStafford
    StaceyxStafford Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Carol!

    Good luck with your journey, I'm sure you'll do it, but remember you can't look after anyone without looking after yourself too.

    Hope your doctors appointment goes well and they can help support you and your family.