P90X question!

Hello everyone! I've been reading all of these posts about how great P90X is, I've talked to some people in person who have done it and I'm feeling like now is the time for me to get the program and get started. I have a couple of questions though...

1) How many of you take the supplements with the program? I didn't realize until talking to a friend about it/looking at the website that there were even supplements with it. I want to get cut without taking supplements.

2) I"m a Spinning instructor and I'm afraid that I won't be able to push myself/the class as much if I'm hurting really badly from all the butt-kicking workouts! :blushing: I've heard about how much it hurts at times...what do you guys think?


  • emybball
    emybball Posts: 16
    Hello everyone! I've been reading all of these posts about how great P90X is, I've talked to some people in person who have done it and I'm feeling like now is the time for me to get the program and get started. I have a couple of questions though...

    1) How many of you take the supplements with the program? I didn't realize until talking to a friend about it/looking at the website that there were even supplements with it. I want to get cut without taking supplements.

    2) I"m a Spinning instructor and I'm afraid that I won't be able to push myself/the class as much if I'm hurting really badly from all the butt-kicking workouts! :blushing: I've heard about how much it hurts at times...what do you guys think?
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I'm not an expert yet, since I"m only finishing week 2. On upper body weights day and yoga day, an extra legs workout wouldn't be a problem. Plyo I wouldn't want to double up that work out, but I know some people do. I did a 4 mile run after Kenpo yesterday and I was tired, but able to finish. I think some of it's mental.

    My husband and I are doing and we're not doing supplements either. I don't know how "ripped" we'll look when we're done, but we've both noticed our clothes are looser and I've lost 5 lb in those 2 week.

    Hope that helps. I'm sure Jess will chime in soon too. She's a coach and has done multiple beach body workouts.
  • emybball
    emybball Posts: 16
    Thanks for the quick response! I'm glad to hear that you're not taking the supplements also. I'm not worried about getting crazy ripped, my main thing is that I can see my muscles when I flex but there's definitely a nice little layer of isulation over them, haha. That's what I want to get rid of and tone it up! I guess I'll give it a go and see how it goes!!
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I don't use the P90X supplements.

    Although I'm sure they are of high quality, I can get cheaper alternatives.

    I use Body Fortress protein and Pure Protein bars that I get, much cheaper, at Wal-Mart. As far as a recovery drink, I use Twinlab's Endurance Fuel which has the 4:1 (carbs to protein) ratio but much less calories.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hello. I'm finishing up Round 3, Week 11 of P90X and LOVE it! The only Beachbody supplement I take is the recovery drink. It has helped tremendously with soreness, and I'm able to push myself harder. Other than that, I use Muscle Milk protein powder and either Clif Builders or Pure Protein bars.

    Supplements are not the key to getting ripped -- nutrition is. Your diet accounts for 60-70% of your results. If you order the program, read the fitness manual & nutrition guide first. If you really bring it to the workouts and eat clean, you will definitely see fantastic results.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • emybball
    emybball Posts: 16
    Thanks everyone...I'm looking forward to starting this! I can't help but get excited when I read everyone elses' posts about how great it is!!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Emybball... I would echo what Sandy said earlier about having discipline in your nutritional habits. You cannot out-train a poor diet, particularly with a program like P90X when your body is gonna need every ounce of fuel you put into it. You wanna use the best fuel available. What I have to keep reminding myself is "Refrain as much as possible from refined, simple carbs and sodas of ANY kind; eat more whole grain, complex carb sources." My diet used to be horrible, and I have to stay on top of myself to stay on track.

    I just started my first round of P90X today, but I've been doing Power90 for some months, and for me, I can really see a net increase in metabolic activity with my supplements (dropped 40 lbs so far, getting ready to be under 200 lbs for the first time in... forever!). That doesn't mean it's true for everyone, but it is for me. If nothing else, I would recommend a good multivitamin as a part of a well-balanced healthy eating plan (especially for days when your eating plan willpower slipped; you'll still need the nutrients). Also, like Sandy, I use other things as well: whey protein powder from GNC (banana is the only flavor I can stomach), CLIF Builder bars for quick snacks, that sort of thing.

    What I really am putting a lot of focus on though is sticking as closely as possible to the P90X nutrition plan. This first 30 days is gonna be interesting because the plan limits your carb intake and ups the protein intake, so I just worry about bonking some, but we'll see how it goes. If this starts yanking the last vestiges of fat that are left over on me, I will never complain... lol.

    Best of luck to you... Go get 'em..!!!

    -Tony :bigsmile:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    The nutrition program included with P90X should give you all the nourishment that you need. Some people use supplements, some do not. In addition to a good diet, I only take a multivitamin daily, and have a protein shake on occasion (I do this if I need to get enough protein that particular day).

    This program really works. But...you need to feed your body good, healthy food to support the workouts.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I just saw your question! Feel free to join in on the P90X thread... sometimes I don't catch other questions, this site moves fast!

    Yep, I'm Team Beachbody coach and have done P90X, the X+, ChaLean Extreme... and I also run and do triathlons. So... I know about fitting in the workouts and not overtraining.

    Shoot me a message if you have more questions about it! I do use the P90X recovery drink at times (not after every workout) and I do take the BB Activit multi-vitamins. My hubby loves the recovery drink!!

    Take care.
