Help please & thank you

carternikki1849 Posts: 5 Member
edited June 2023 in Recipes
I need a little bit of help I’m been needing find a 1 person meal recipes & they are got be for food sensitivities , allergies , all over GI Issues it’s a train wreck of not knowing what foods to eat that will set off a sensitivity trigger or possible allergic reaction to that food. also they got to be Low Fodmap, Low Sugars, Low Sodium, Low Carbohydrates, Low Fat, Low Calorie & no added sugars.

My foods are so minimal due to GI , allergic , sensitivities & trigger one day everything be ok and eat a certain food then next no cannot eat due to bloating , upset stomache, nausea and list goes on.

My foods i can tolerate at time being are:
But I don’t got a clue what their cal , sugars, sodium or fat is any of following foods???


Green Beans
Green Bell Pepper
Butter Lettuce
Miniature Potatoes
Red Bell Peppers
Squash ——- which one is healthiest can really stand spaghetti squash

Sweet potato
Tomatoes- going try re-introduce & see my reaction

Carrots— was told steer clear because of their sugars??

Yellow bell pepper
Orange bell pepper

? Not sure if Romaine is better than spinach which one is better & not part of dirty dozen???


? Green leaf lettuce

Sweet pea


Mandarin oranges
Grapes- red & green
Frozen blueberries
Navel oranges


Miracle noodle fettuccine style
Chickpea pasta— try out
Brown rice
Rice noodles
Arborio rice—-so far this best one for my GI tract


Gluten Free Pretzels

Tuna- canned or in pouch
Salmon-canned or pouch

Nuts & seeds

Chia seeds- give a try again
Organic pea protein powder-unsweetened or vanilla
Peanut butter- give a try again


Coconut Milk- So Delicious Dairy Free Organic Coconut Milk Unsweetened


? Dark Chocolate- should prolly pass?


Should prolly pass on this because I crave it instead of chocolate what ya think ???


Apple cider vinegar
Chicken broth powder
Zia’s salad dressing
Ground black pepper
Olive oil or Extra Virgin Olive oil
Bay leaf
Sea salt


Kool-Aid Packets
Coconut sugar


Ginger tea—- gonna give a try
???aloe juice
Cranberry juice

Water- what kinds are ok that’s not carbohydrated drinks?

Herbal teas


Any help with these foods that can be paired together to create a very simple meal that is Low in Calories , sodium, fat, sugars & carbohydrates and is so easy that only takes a few ingredients and be ready in less than 5 minutes in microwave.

Plus foods has be portioned individually before and after cooking . And measured again to get about right serving size should possibly need. It’s a pain I’ve been told need do portion distortion but never explained what really means….

Thank you for reading this & for anyone that gives ideas.

Which of these foods should I avoid or keep eating because I’d like to know pretty soon I’d be going write down a shopping list for either Aldi or Walmart and don’t want have any food waste if they maybe a no go with sugars & sodium…. ??

I need lose about 20 or so lbs my health issues had me derailed from weight loss journey & I need help getting back and need help with recipe ideas.

I’m suppose eat 1200 cal diet per day but not sure how can do that when 178 and eat healthy nothing works???

Need help please & thank you


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    With such complicated problems I'd advise you to see a dietician. Random people on the internet will probably not be a good choice. Good luck.
  • carternikki1849
    carternikki1849 Posts: 5 Member
    edited June 2023
    All been told is trial & error
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    May I suggest that you empower yourself with a little knowledge - eg by googling.

    Make a cup of something hot - sit down with a note pad and find out for yourself the calorie content etc of your long list. You will quickly get the hang of what is low or higher calorie. (Low sodium and low sugars is reasonably easily achieved by not buying ready made meals which are often high salt/calories, or processed foods like biscuits with lots of sugar).. And I am sure you can work out which websites seem sensible.

    Then google eg ‘low calorie microwave recipes’ if you want to use your microwave for cooking.

    And then try to see this as an adventure!

    You have lots of ingredients you can eat, a nice long list of herbs and spices to make your food extra tasty. And along the way you can eat healthily for you and lose weight.

    So then you have an adventure ahead of you of finding out what new foods you like to cook or eat, and what familiar foods still fit the bill.

    Try to calm your anxiety by building up your knowledge for yourself - I think this will really help you.

    I doubt anyone is going to answer in detail for all that long list - but I think you will feel a lot more in charge when you have done a bit of research ….

    I had to do Fodmap for a period of time - it was ok once I got into the swing of things.

    Good luck.

  • carternikki1849
    carternikki1849 Posts: 5 Member
    I’ve googled and tons are alot contradicting & I eat myself lots veggies fruits and chicken because I can not eat beef because it make bloat. No nuts I can’t tolerate them at all , I like some of them but they aren’t good for my GI Tract & end up wearing the food on me instead. Same with some other foods I’ve had to quit they don’t agree & bloat , nausea, pains& it’s an never ending cycle of being bloated so bad & ppl 🗣️ about me when I’m standing right there . I’ve had anxiety about this of not knowing can or can not eat all because I was told by dr it’s all trial & error. And when I had an 3 page list of foods I couldn’t eat that showed & I was still told trial and error. Never told can eat these foods for ibs or not these for ibs.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,737 Member
    Mix and match the foods you can eat and enjoy. Honestly, nobody else is going to really be able to do that for you. Only you know what foods work for you or don't, and only you really know what you might enjoy eating. Google recipes. All the information is out there. If you are unable to do that, pay a real dietician to do the work for you.
  • Rockmama1111
    Rockmama1111 Posts: 262 Member
    Do you have an air fryer? I never thought I’d want one, but my parents gave me one and I can’t believe how awesome it is for one-person healthy meals. It’s so easy to season up a protein, throw some vegetables around it, and out pops a meal. I’m a convert.
  • forestdweller1
    forestdweller1 Posts: 403 Member
    WOW, sweetheart, that's a really intimidating list, but at least you have a roadmap of sorts.
    My only "allergy" is a tendancy to eat/drink too much.
    Portion distortion ?? Guess that means what my Daddy used to call "your eyes are too big for your belly".

    All teasing aside, Google "OneDishKitchen". EVERYTHING is scaled for one serving, using mostly a 5x5 pan. I have a couple Goodwill corelle glass pans like that, or some of the round ones work also. [Yeah, she sells appropriate dishes also, go figure]. Lots of the recipies are gluten free, and of course you can sub ingredients you are allowed for stuff that's not good for you. I've tried many of her recipies , mainly for portion control, and the taste is good, and THERE ARE NO LEFTOVERS TO NIBBLE ON LATER.

    "Lose X# of pounds " is just so hard to comprehend as a complete task. Chip away, chip away, a little at a time. .2 pounds less today than yesterday is still a small victory.

    Microwave ?? Is good, but gets old fast. Sear 4 ounces of your protein in a cast iron skillet with your allowed herbs/spices, serve on top of a bed of romaine or spinach instead of a carb. Eat this AFTER consuming a couple microwaved veggies.
    Chopped fruit or veggies on salad greens [can you have balsamic vinegar ??] with an ounce of cheese, or with some nut butter on your GF pretzels for lunch. Drinking oceans of water helps...truely.

    Careful on your grocery order...too much, and you will feel compelled to eat it all before it goes bad. ALDI's [InstaCart] will deliver every day !!

    And, as some have wisely suggested above [ @sollyn2312] consult a dietitian. Even a free clinic should be able to help you find one.
    Good luck @carternikki1849
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited July 2023
    All been told is trial & error
    I’ve googled and tons are alot contradicting & I eat myself lots veggies fruits and chicken because I can not eat beef because it make bloat. No nuts I can’t tolerate them at all , I like some of them but they aren’t good for my GI Tract & end up wearing the food on me instead. Same with some other foods I’ve had to quit they don’t agree & bloat , nausea, pains& it’s an never ending cycle of being bloated so bad & ppl 🗣️ about me when I’m standing right there . I’ve had anxiety about this of not knowing can or can not eat all because I was told by dr it’s all trial & error. And when I had an 3 page list of foods I couldn’t eat that showed & I was still told trial and error. Never told can eat these foods for ibs or not these for ibs.

    Get a referral to a Registered Dietitian. What you are asking for would take hours to produce. You can do the calorie aspect yourself here on MFP, but it makes more sense to have a professional get you started with the GI issues.

    Meanwhile, of all your Low carb/fat/sugar requirements, which are for your GI issues and which are to lose weight? I'd focus on your GI issues for now. For example, if you think you need to eat low carb in order to lose weight, drop that requirement so you can focus on creating meals that you can tolerate.

    Once you are less anxious about food, THEN think about losing weight. Being only 20 pounds overweight is not endangering your life.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,788 Member
    I’ve googled and tons are alot contradicting & I eat myself lots veggies fruits and chicken because I can not eat beef because it make bloat. No nuts I can’t tolerate them at all , I like some of them but they aren’t good for my GI Tract & end up wearing the food on me instead. Same with some other foods I’ve had to quit they don’t agree & bloat , nausea, pains& it’s an never ending cycle of being bloated so bad & ppl 🗣️ about me when I’m standing right there . I’ve had anxiety about this of not knowing can or can not eat all because I was told by dr it’s all trial & error. And when I had an 3 page list of foods I couldn’t eat that showed & I was still told trial and error. Never told can eat these foods for ibs or not these for ibs.

    One of the reasons that's true is that food triggers of IBS can be quite individual. There is no reliable, official, universal list.

    I agree that your best bet is to seek a registered dietitian. At worst, such a professional can help you with an elimination diet to try to find your personal triggers, and eliminate then from your eating.

    People here are not qualified to give specific dietary advice for such a complex set of conditions . . . even if we were willing to spend the many hours of work that would require. (Many people here are struggling with dietary issues of their own.)

    I'm sorry.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,187 Member
    edited July 2023
    Have you seen a GI doctor and allergist about your belief that foods are triggering symptoms? You shouldn’t cut so many things out entirely without working with a medical professional. Get some tests done.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,157 Member
    Try a carnivore diet for a time, 3 or 4 weeks. It removes absolutely everything and meat in general is the least allergenic and reactive food on the planet. Begin adding things back in ONE BY ONE which hopefully will indicate a reaction and continue from there. I've heard this works pretty well. Cheers.