That Time Of The Month ** Ladies**

Ok so before The new lifestyle change I would greet my period with some chocolate, chips,dip and ice cream... followed by 2 to 4 days of sitting on my fanny! Well that just wont cut it now.... So what do some of you ladies do durring your visits from aunt flo? Is there anything I should avoid doing? and what should I expect fromthe scale this week? or should I just leave the scale alone??



  • roblow65
    roblow65 Posts: 156 Member
    During my time, I always put on a couple of lbs but it does go away as soon as it's over. I do still workout because I've heard it's best to do. As far as chocolate, those vita muffin tops sold at Walmart are really good! I have to have chocolate every day then and they take care it at only 100 calories a muffin. I save it to have towards the evening and I savor it!
  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    I don't really have any cravings so I typically continue to eat the way I always do & continue to exercise. What I do notice is that despite all of my efforts, the scale doesn't move that week. I'm chalking it up to water retention & going to keep on pressing on. Frustrating though.
  • wifeygettingfit
    typically I'll up the water to cut back on bloating. My go-to is usually Twix candy bars and I will still allow myself a few mini one's. I exercise as usual and only weigh in a once or twice a month. I use my clothes to determine the progress I'm making. Keep up the hard work. It gets easier and you'll want to challenge yourself even more :-)
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I started doubling up on my workouts that week and I no longer experience cramps or cravings =)))
  • NashvilleShelley
    Hot chocolate or chocolate coconut milk....exercise makes me feel less tired and less moody ; )
  • kgraham101
    kgraham101 Posts: 27 Member
    I never weigh myself during my monthly visit. I do however allow myself 1 candy bar that I make last throughout my period. I still exercise as usual. Just hang in there and you will do great. :smile:
  • bonifachi
    bonifachi Posts: 50 Member
    I find that I gain a few kgs and get super SUPER hungry the day before I am due. I am pretty sure the weight is just water retention, but it's a pain in the butt for it to affect the scales so much.
    I have found since exercising more heavily as the year has gone on that I haven't had to take any neurofen, so a sign that exercise is helping with the pain at least!
    So, what I do is eat as much as I feel I need to the day before, and then avoid as much salt as possible to try and limit the water retention. This seems to do the trick. Keep busy, keep moving, and you will have less time to give in to your cravings, too :)
    Hope that helps!
  • New_Hope
    I try to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day and do at least some walking. With my cravings, I try to find something by Walden Farms (they say zero calories on the package, but it's actually like 2-3 --- if that even really matters) or I have some fat free jell-o pudding. Those normally seem to help me. As far as the scale, I just remind myself that I'm retaining water and that everything will be fine at the end of my period, which it always is.
  • balancebean
    balancebean Posts: 96 Member
    I skipped the scale this week for that reason alone! I knew I wasn't cheating and thought, "why put myself through that disappointment when it is beyond my control." As for cravings; since I've been eating and exercising properly, the cravings have markedly subsided. I do like Special K Chocolately Pretzel Bars when I want chocolate. Skinny Cow Ice Cream sandwiches also hit the spot. BTW, I was feeling bloated, crampy, and tired earlier this week, but forced myself to take the dog for a walk. I popped two Advils, put on my sneakers; Voila! Felt great 1/2 hour later.
  • glynissharpe
    glynissharpe Posts: 14 Member
    That's actually a question I would like answered because I am in the same boat. I need my comfort food and really don't feel up to exercicing a couple of days before (and during for that matter). I find my weight fluctuates alot a few days before and after. What can I do to avoid this, drink more water???
  • blarics11
    Thanks everyone! Some real great advice! I am not gonna let my period win!

    Men have it sooooo easy!
  • kabloozi
    kabloozi Posts: 119 Member
    I hear ya sister!! I feel the same way...drink plenty of water for will retain it but it will go away quickly. Have a small morsel in the evening and go about your proper eating habits the next day. We seem to be very similar -we should be friends!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I gained 8lbs last month so I'm trying to minimize my gain this month. Mostly this involves netting 1200 calories, drinking lots of water, and exercising.

    I cannot stress exercising enough - I've read that if you exercise regularily your cycle gets less sucky and personal experience is starting to tell me it is so true!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I find mine frustrating I get huge amounts of fatigue and stomach cramps so exercise is painful and of course I get choc cravings a few days before it starts and ends.. mine goes like this... cravings, extreme fatigue, period starts.. 2 days of stomach cramps.. maybe a few days I can exercise as they ease off, big wave of fatigue and cravings again then I'm done... phew!...... then have to find energy to get back into my exercise routine!

    Last month I put 6 lbs of water on after getting down to 11st 10 and went up to 12st 2... I relaxed thinking it will come back off when they've finished.. maybe relaxed too much and overindulged a bit.. only 2lb came back off! so was back to 12 st.... spend last 3 weeks trying to get back down to where I was only got as far as 11st 12.. now its time to do it again.. back up to 12st 1 this time!

    I'm gonna try harder to exercise.. maybe take painkillers so hopefully at some point of day maybe afternoon or evening I can manage something.. maybe bit of pilates floor work, rather than more energetic stuff. ... I'm cutting carbs like bread, pasta and trying to go gluten free and low carb.. so also restricting potato and rice to not more than once a week each... and see if I can lose some more than way.

    Hormones are a pain! I'm 42 now so also wondering if hormones are the reason I'm still struggling to lose weight as before any of these tricks would have dropped a stone more or less instantly!
  • eatnbetter
    I usually retain about 3 to 4 lbs of fluid every month during AF but I have a 5mm submucosal fibroid that swells and causes excessive pain and bleeding. I can't even think about eating a heavy meal the first two days. I usually get my food cravings the week before she shows up so to fight that off, I eat small meals over the course of the day. I try to tell myself when I start to feel like I'm going to binge on chocolate, that it's just because of AF and don't give in to that witch..LOL!! It worked this month so let's hope it continues.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I keep exercising because I'm miserable anyway. Throwing sweaty nastiness into the mix won't make me feel worse. If you gain water weight, don't bother weighing yourself. It'll just make you sad.