Picking it back up

I have about 193 pounds to lose. But I am making mini goals so I have something tangible to see every few months. So right now, the goal is to get back to training 3 to 4x a week BUT focus on losing weight not building muscle. My mistake last time so I burned out. Loved the little muscles but did not love the slower pound loss progression.
Goal: 15 lbs by September 4th.
Next goal: 20 lbs by Jan 1st. Which gets me out of the 300 pound range.
IF I get close to these goals, it will be a reason to still celebrate. Here we go!


  • Kristi_the_Wookiee
    Kristi_the_Wookiee Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2023
    When I started my journey a few years ago, I was almost 200 pounds over. I got myself down to 40 pounds to my goal, but then life got involved and now I have 90 pounds to go. Set bakcs do not mean failure! If I can do it, anyone can! <3