advice for workouts

hey all, ive lost 14lbs*happy dance* but i have a few questions. whats the best exercise to burn fat? ive been doing circuit training and im getting toned under the fat.... ive heard that JM30DS is for those who dont have that much to lose... i have another 100 or so to go... i was walking when i first started this journey but the weather is changing a little bit and im so into workouts at home now.


  • melnem
    melnem Posts: 26 Member
    Try the Walk Away the Pounds DVD, they give a pretty good burn and are quick enough to fit into any schedule.
  • melnem
    melnem Posts: 26 Member
  • Hi Itlane,

    I know that feeling, my partner is a Personal Trainer and he said the best way to lose fat is by doing cardio workouts. Circuit training is good for muscle toning, but walking, running, dancing, skipping (anything that makes your heart pound) will lose fat quickly.

    Good luck
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    My understanding is that its all about raising your metabolism. That and the biggest weight loss will come from working the biggest muscles.

    That being said, I personally feel that I lost most of my weight though eating. Working out kind of just going along with that, being healthy, and making me want to keep going.

    I plan on getting some cold weather gear and try to keep running.

    I head the JM stuff, P90X, the 30day shred, Wii stuff...etc.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Diet is key to losing weight, its not just about cutting calories its about eating clean. The cleaner your diet the quicker your results will be.

    Cardio is important to lose weight but you have to do an awful lot of cardio to burn a pound of fat, and unless you get it just right you will be burning some muscle as well. You should do cardio to stay healthy, have fun and raise your metabolism. The higher your metabolism the more calories you'll burn just sitting there.

    Speaking of raising your metabolism weights workouts give you a longer halo effect of raised metabolism than cardio. Also if you workout regularly you will put on muscle and the more muscle you have the more calories you burn just sitting there.

    Losing weight is a triangle, with diet, cardio and weights making up the sides. Any two will work but three will give you the best results.

    A balanced exercise programme like P90x will give you great results if you can commit.
  • ltlane
    ltlane Posts: 120
    i currently have a 750 cal deficit and the exercise is in hopes of having a daily deficit of 1000 or more sometimes. for the most part i eat clean, 5-6 days out the week. i drink plenty of water too, like 12-16 glasses daily. walk away the pounds, ill have to check it out, thanx.... p90x, ive heard of it but have yet to read on it. maybe ill check that out. thanx all
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    I do P90X and I love it. My first round, I lost 26lbs and 16 inches. I'm doing my second round now. I have another 30lbs to go and I'm hoping this will do it. I also do some extra cardio, like jump rope and jumping jacks. The jumping jacks routine I got from this website:

    I also swim at least once a week at the local aquatic center.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I recommend Zumba because it's a great calorie burner but also so much fun that you don't even realize how much you are burning. Until you are done and soaked with sweat, that is.

    I've done so many things to keep my weight under control throughout my life but nothing that is as fun as Zumba. It's the only workout I've ever actually looked forward to doing.