Eat before or after exercise?


This is probably a stupid question but on my days off I exercise in the morning (rather than before dinner), once I have taken the dog out for his walk. I do about 45 mins on the cross trainer (around 600-700 cals burned). As I am not getting quite enough protein in my diet I have made up a smoothie with peanut butter, yoghurt, milk and choc powder etc which gives me 12g of protein and not too many calories.

Should I have this before or after my workout? Or should I maybe just have a banana before the workout. That is usually what I do as I was always told to eat AFTER exercising, but some others on here are saying different................

I am here to lose weight (another 45lbs to go) and build muscle and want to be doing this right.



  • juggalotus
    People have told me to eat good carbs before your workout for energy, and lots of protein afterward! It makes sense...

    I don't eat before I workout...I know I shouldn't do that, but think about it. If you have no food in your stomach before you workout....then your body has no choice but to burn fat instead of the breakfast you just ate. Plus I get indigestion just from drinking water when I work out, I can't imagine eating food and exercising! :sick:

    I drink a glass of chocolate milk after my workouts or eat some cheese...Something with protein in it.
  • srvivr_2001
    I eat after exercising purely because I get sick when I eat before exercising. A lot of people have reccommended eating easy to digest foods like bananas if you need to eat before exercising. Hope that helps
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    I think the idea is that if you have the energy to workout on an empty stomach in the morning, it's best to wait until after to eat something in protein. If you're going into a hard workout and feeling sluggish, carbs can be a good way to fuel up an hour before you workout. I prefer to workout before eating anything though, for the same reason that juggalotus talked about with burning pure fat instead of food.
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    If you dont want to loose weight, your body will use up the cars whilst training, dont you want to use your bodies supplies first?? xx
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Its hard to workout when your starving, but I can't do it on a full stomache, it makes me sick. So if I eat first, then I have to wait like an hour or so. But I usually like to snack before a workout, if I can, and then eat my regular meal aftwards.
  • cherryObebe
    As long as you have the energy to do your workout, I would eat the banana before the workout and have the protein shake after. When you workout, you stimulate the fight or flight response (sympathetic response) which regulates things like heartbeat and digestion. It actually stops digestion. We digest when in the relax and digest (parasympathetic response), so that is why it is best to eat after. If energy is an issue, then eat something with complex carbs like whole grains an hour before your workout.
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    Cool, so what you are saying is that I should just continue doing what I'm doing and eat after exercising! I too cannot workout on a full stomach, it's no fun and I usually have a much better workout when I've not had anything before other than some water.

    Thanks all!!!! x
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    You burn more calories doing cardio on an empty stomach than with a full one. But I would make sure you are not starving before weight training. Fuel those muscles.