Girls please send flirtatious messages, I'm bored.



  • flasportsfan
    flasportsfan Posts: 126 Member
    Hey cutie pie. I am glad I friended you!!
  • paulahhhh
    Well, hello there *bats eyes*
  • methetree
    Haha, I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Is that how you do it?

    You coulda lied to make it more interesting.....

    I'm not wearing anything.

    much better!!!!
    That gets the imagination warmed up..... :blushing:
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    Jillian Michaels! We meet again! *evil eye*


    And Danny... a/s/l = age/sex/location... old chat room lingo from the dinosaur age
    I choose to believe that I am not old enough to remember the sound of dial up and being booted off of AOL every 5 minutes :)
  • rockylucas
    rockylucas Posts: 343 Member
    Just girls, thats discriminatory :P
  • glitterpiss
    Flirting online is imo cheating. Just sayin.

    I don't think anything in this thread could even be remotely close to cheating thus far. lmaooo.

    Also, I really like that song!
  • Random_Name
    This is, by far, the most pathetic thing I've ever seen on MFP.

    Just an observation.
  • glitterpiss
    This is, by far, the most pathetic thing I've ever seen on MFP.

    Just an observation.

    For me its the "liver detox liquid diet" threads from people that don't actually understand how the liver works... Or the pyramid scheme diet shake threads.
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    This is, by far, the most pathetic thing I've ever seen on MFP.

    Just an observation.

    ^A personal observation which you are entitled to make.
    As to why you would share a negative opinion on a thread meant for fun socialization, well, I have a few 'observations' regarding that as well.

    1) most of your thread comments are cynical and snide regardless of the topic and of who you're talking to.
    2) Your behavior is like that of a child in a classroom who has nothing but inflammatory things to say.
    3) Children who behave in this manner usually do so because they crave the teacher's attention, even though it is typically negative in context.
    4) Often the behavior is an outburst resulting from loneliness, insecurity, and a strong desire to be liked but not knowing how to go about it.

    Random_Name, I think you need a hug.
    But that's just my observation.
  • Random_Name
    Random_Name, I think you need a hug.

    Really? So this kind of stuff is obnoxious when BEERRUNNER does it, but when Captain Confident over here posts it's okay?

    I won't pretend to understand what happens over the internet, but from a biological standpoint, things like this set humanity back.