Couch-to-5k OCTOBER Challenge! JOIN US!

Hi, all. I'm starting c25k on Saturday, October 1st. Anyone want to join me?

I'm using these mp3s:

I used to run in junior high school but that was over a decade ago and I haven't run since. I don't even work out yet! I'm the very definition of a beginner. Who's with me?


  • hi

    i started the c25k on Tuesday i have never really been in to running but actually really enjoying this so far. i am using the get running app
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    I started it today. Im using the NHS podcasts
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I started it today. Im using the NHS podcasts

    Can you link to those? I don't use a smartphone so podcasts are ideal. :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I'm starting uber slow. I'm using this plan ( and walking and running in place to practice form. I did a little bit of research, and this is how I'm comfortable starting. :)
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hey, if that works then go for it. I may also have to modify, as I still have debilitating shin splints after speed walking for a couple minutes. Running is, strangely, easier.
  • I am keen. I've always disliked running. Anything to get me doing it and maybe even enjoying it would be a good thing.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Glad to hear it, Shane! You bike your butt off, too, though! I bet you'll grow to like it within just a few weeks. :)
  • starting week 1 for the 3rd time again tomorrow or Tuesday. I'd like to be able to run a 5K by Thanksgiving. Here's to the power of positive thinking....
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I started a while ago but stopped. Would like to start up again!
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    I am in!!! I have been wanting to get into running. I had heard about this program a few months ago, but never worked with it. I checked out the link to the podcast and I already downloaded week 1 and 2. I am also doing a 30 day shred challege so I am hoping that I can keep up with both. I think the extra cardio will boost my weight loss and loss of inches! Looking forward to this!
  • I'm in...downloaded the app on my phone about a week ago..this will be perfect to get me going.
  • zipline
    zipline Posts: 5 Member
    I will be doing W2D1 tomorrow. Never ran before but week one wasn't too bad. Going slow to start until I get better and fitter. It is the treadmill version, so for now I just watch television when doing it. Want to get a playlist together so that I can start listening to music. I just think that will be better at motivating me when it gets harder.
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    I started it today. Im using the NHS podcasts

    Can you link to those? I don't use a smartphone so podcasts are ideal. :)

    Sorry for delay in replying, here is the link:
  • i plan on running a lot this month, will consider using this program
  • eveydunton
    eveydunton Posts: 32 Member
    bump - to think about!
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    I am kinda afraid to commit to this.

    BUT I have been putting off starting the c25k program

    i want to.... but I'm still kinda scared
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Good Luck everyone! Take it slow and stick to the program.

    I am in week 9 and graduate on Saturday!
  • conidiring
    conidiring Posts: 230 Member
    bumpity bump bump
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    I am kinda afraid to commit to this.

    BUT I have been putting off starting the c25k program

    i want to.... but I'm still kinda scared

    me too me too me too!!!! I started on awhie back and got sick so I never finished it.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I'd love to join in, we can encourage each other! I started a couple of weeks ago, & tonight is week 3, day 3 for me. I am really starting to look forward to it! I run in my neighborhood, around dusk or right after I get my kids in bed. I use headphones & a program igot for $5 I think on my droid, it works really well. I play their music or my own via pandora or whatever, then a voice cuts in to tell me when to run, walk, turn around, etc.

    I have tried the program before, and injured my knee each time midway, so I am carefully taking it slow this time... Wish me luck!

    Good luck to you all, I can't wait to see everyone's progress!