I just don't get video games



  • lawlzx
    Haha, WoW wives unite!
    I honestly think that video games have become as commonplace as movies these days. I'm a gamer (Hell, I met my husband on WoW) and there are games that I seriously love the storyline of, and I think that's part of the reason I game. But I agree that they don't always take the place of books, I thoroughly enjoy a good novel too.

    I met my husband in WOW too!

    I met a guy on LotRO. It didn't work out :cry:

    Yeah, I thought this was going to be someone video game bashing. I can't do FPSs (or even watch them) because I get crazy motion sick. I can't even play driving video games like Mario Kart :laugh:
    Sorry it didn't work out =(
    I get motion sick from certain games. Half Life 2 is the worst offender.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I hate reading
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I play Video games mostly in tfall and winter. My PS3 is awesome!!!
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I grew up with my dad, brother and uncles all playing video games so naturally I enjoy them as well. Although, I could deal without Call of Duty ever being in my house again. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. It's about as lame as WoW. No offense, WoWsters, I just don't get how you do it.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I haven't finished the game yet, so I am not watching it. I'll try and get back to this thread after I finish though!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I haven't finished the game yet, so I am not watching it. I'll try and get back to this thread after I finish though!

    ...Will add though,

    I'm a book reader, a comic book reader, a movie/tv watcher and a video game player. Depending on who you talk to, all of these things could be considered "a waste of time." But whatever, then a time waster I shall be. Video games are capable of having compelling stories with compelling characters. For example, the Final Fantasy series, Half life series, MGS series, The old games of the RE series, The Uncharted Series, The Mass Effect Series, Batman Arkham Aslyum....all of them had good stories with very compelling characters. At the end of FFXIII I cried like a baby. I also cried a few times during Mass Effect. With both those games I felt very attached to the characters.

    Although I've always been a fan of the series, GOW has never really been the best as far as the story goes. It's more of a fun action game that looks cool for me. I have heard that GOW 3 has a better story then it's predecessors, and so far I do agree.

    Depending on what video games you play, they can also require a lot of problem solving and critical thinking on the players part. Puzzle games like Portal are not for those who don't want to exercise their noggin for sure. Also many RPG's, strategy games and even games like Little Big planet where you can design your own levels and build your own vehicles and stuff. Even some of your basic "run and gun" games require some strategy and team work.

    ...Idk, I think people who throw out blanket statements like "____is a waste of time" just say things like that because they don't/can't do it themselves. I don't pay them much attention. I will continue to read my books, watch my movies and play my video games and enjoy it thoroughly.