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Weekly Calorie Deficit

Include a weekly calorie deficit/increase. Much like being able to see the sum total of your weekly steps. For example -3500cals in a week. Should Equate to a one pound loss. For those of us who want to lose, We need to be motivated to strive for the weekly calorie deficit.
8 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • MickSeepaulsingh
    MickSeepaulsingh Posts: 2 Member
    I agree. As well as being able to view a "week" by any 7-day date range. Some graphs charting the week's progress would be helpful also. The LoseIt! app does a pretty good job of this. I sometimes use that one when I want a little more precision.
  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Thanks for this feedback, we will pass it along!

    Also, note that the Nutrition page in the app does show this type of visual. You can tap into the "Calories" tab on that page to view either a daily or weekly view.