CLOSED GROUP-Get Ahead With The Shred!



  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Jamie - It sounds like most of us have fallen off at one point or another throughout this first week, due to school, sickness, stress, family stuff, glass in the foot (argh!), etc. Just pick yourself up and keep going. Finals are stressful and we are learning how to incorporate healthy living and eating into real life. If you have a "bad" couple of days, just make up for it with a "great" couple of days. For instance, I didn't do any exercise yesterday. I felt like a slug. This morning, I shredded, and then headed to the gym for a 1+ mile brisk walk/jog. I'm cutting out Coke today and going to acupuncture to cut my stress. I may go back to the gym for Gentle Yoga tonight. Take the motivation when you have it and kick *kitten*! And don't worry about us: we're all super proud of you and glad to have you on our team. We will keep this going for as long as it takes for all of us to finish Level 3! We can do it!

    As for me, I learned that, now that I know the exercises well enough, I prefer to have the sound down on the T.V. and my own music playing during the Shred. Makes the time go faster for me. Also, it continues to bug me that she doesn't allow for time to re-hydrate. Does anyone else find that annoying?

    Ginny/Tina - I have not tried a juice/toxin cleanse...let me know how it goes.

    Keia - I could never give up bread. It just wouldn't be practical. I've given up a lot in my life for migraine triggers (chocolate, red wine, nitrates (basically any delicious processed pork products), most cheeses, MSG (which is in, like EVERYTHING), Chinese food and other fast food (drive-thru restaurants), etc.) I even cut caffeine out of my diet totally for about a year and I still try to limit it. But I could not and would not ever give up bread. But I salute you in doing so and let me know how it goes.

    Tiana - That's too bad. We'll miss you and good luck with school!
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Guys! I have a trapped nerve in my back. I get this sometimes and it's usually sorted itself out in a week or so, but I'm having to take it easy with the Shred. I'm still going to be doing it, but it probably won't be every day. I'm really sad about this. I'm going to be watching my eating very carefully and I'm still going to get some cardio in with my badminton.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I skipped the shred last night because I unexpectedly went to my boyfriend's. I did a lot of walking & hiking that day though. Tonight I got it done. :-) Level 2 soon I am curious!
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    I'm thinking I'm gonna attempt level two this weekend. If it works, yay! If it doesn't, well I'll know what I need to work on!
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    I've missed two days. I'm hoping my back is well enough to re-start on it tonight though, I've lost 3.5 pounds this week and I know that must have something to do with the shred, so I'm hoping injury doesn't prevent me from continuing my success.

    I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's losses on Monday!
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    OKAY! Just jumped right back into L2. Phew!
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Starting Level 2 today :-) I like planking and what I've heard there's definitely some of it! I was .6 lbs lighter this morning than yesterday, I want to say it's water weight but wouldn't it be nice if it wasnt :D
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Challenges for Week 3:

    Monday: Stretching is an undervalued part of many people's workouts. Even with Jillian's warm-up and cool-down, I think more stretching is warranted. It is especially important to stretch before and after cardio and weight lifting. It can also be a great way to wake up in the morning and wind down before bed. Incorporate at least 10 minutes of additional stretching into your day today.

    Tuesday: Get outside. Fresh air and sunlight are important parts of any healthy lifestyle. Go for a walk, a jog, a run, a bike ride, a hike, play an outdoor sport, walk the dog, push your baby in the stroller, run alongside your kid while they ride their bike, even do yoga/stretching/jump roping in your front yard. (If today if rainy in your part of the world, switch this challenge with another day.)

    Wednesday: I'm keeping the hydration challenge alive because I know some of us (myself included) still need to be reminded to get our daily H2O.

    Thursday: Create a bedtime routine for yourself. Enough sleep and quality sleep is important to any healthy lifestyle. Find something that works for you: quiet music, reading, stretching, yoga, meditation, relaxation techniques or tapes, deep breathing, a mindless television show, a warm bath or shower, tea or warm milk. I'll post some more helpful hints later this week to help refine your routine. This approach to restful sleep has been proven to help with weight loss, energy, and muscle building. Plus, if you're not awake in the middle of the night, there are no middle of the night cravings.

    Friday: Involve someone else in your workout today. Find a friend, family member, romantic partner, child, or animal to work out with you. In some cases, they don't even need to know that they're working out. To a kid, riding bikes on the bike path or to the library is an adventure, not a workout routine. To an animal, a nice, long walk is rewarding. To many adults, hiking, rock climbing (indoor or outdoor), or even an evening stroll is exciting, romantic, sometimes even erotic. The point is to involve the people around you in your diet/fitness routines. MFP is fantastic and I love it and I don't know where I'd be without it but I can't tell you how many times I've thought to myself "I wish I could call the girls up and we could shred together" or "How much fun would it be if I could cook dinner with the ladies?"

    Saturday: Today is a thinking, creative kind of day. I chose this challenge for Saturday because I was hoping most of you would have half an hour or so to yourselves in order to do this challenge because I think it's really important. Create a mission statement for yourself: why are you getting fit and healthy, for whom are you getting fit and healthy, what are you doing to get fit and healthy, what successes and hardships have you had, what stands in your way of success, what and who do you need to succeed, and what do you hope to achieve by doing this? With this information, create a vision board. You can Google that term but it basically means taking words and phrases and pictures and quotes that inspire you and show you what you want and creating a poster to hang somewhere where you'll see it often. It can be the size of a note card, the size of a regular piece of paper (8.5"x11"), the size of a posterboard or any size in between. Use the internet, magazines, your own artistic skill. Put as much or as little detail into it as you'd like. But I'd really appreciate it if you'd give it a try. I think these kinds of mind exercises are as valuable as the ones we do with our bodies.

    Sunday: Last chance workout. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Watch your calories, fat, carbs, sugar, and sodium. Up your protein, fiber, and vitamin intakes. Do more than just the shred. Take the long route, the stairs, do squats during commercials of your favorite T.V. show, do lunges while you brush your teeth. Tomorrow, we weigh in. We got this. Some of us are very close to mini-goals. Let's get SHREDDED.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Great challenges! Friday is actually my dad's gym's weekly open day, so I might go lift weights with him. Fits perfectly. I finished my first day of Level 2 today, all I have to say is

    F U Jillian e__e

    But it felt great afterwards! I had to take a couple breaks but I always do the harder version of the exercise. Hopefully in a couple days I'll be break free! First time in a while I've actually wanted a cold shower.
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Starting Level 2 today :-) I like planking and what I've heard there's definitely some of it! I was .6 lbs lighter this morning than yesterday, I want to say it's water weight but wouldn't it be nice if it wasnt :D

    6lbs!! That's so great! Well done!

    Day 2 of L2 down. The planks are tough. I'm finding those exercises pretty difficult. 18 days left guys!
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Oh boy still kicking my *kitten*. My weight did not change from yesterday, so I maintain my Monday weigh in of 118.6 lbs. I'd like to be 116 by the end of this but who knows! I expect my weight to fluctuate as my muscles retain water to heal, but by the end it should have evened out and I'm excited for that day <3
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    This weekend has been terrible for me.
    Chinese twice (once a buffet) and the fair!
    I'm such a sucker for cotton candy and funnel cakes.

    But I threw up one of the Chinese dinners, so I think that cancels it out... right? xD

    Tomorrow will be interesting for sure.

    Oh, and NSV!
    My boy's sister gave me a ton of dresses/clothes and my step mom did, too!
    I managed to squeeze into a size 8 pair of jeans (I normally wear a 13) even if they are stretch/just a large 8 I don't care! They looked amazing and I felt hot! AND I got into my prom dress from two years ago. Its tight, like really tight, but it was so tight then that I had to have it unzipped so I could sit down. xD

    So I'm confused. Cause the jeans I got into on Saturday and the dress today... But I feel all fat and blah.... Ugh.
    Oh well. And I forgot the shred this weekend. I got midterms and I've been super busy. But I walked my butt off at the fair!
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Only 4:38 am here in Massachusetts and I have already completed the challenge for the day (add 10+ minutes of additional stretching to your day!) I logged it as hatha yoga because I kind of made it up as I went along but my body feels good now. Can't decide whether to hit the gym now or take a snooze before the class I'm hoping to take today. I'll weigh in closer to 8 or 9 am, since that's when I usually weigh in, although I'm not optimistic. But next Monday, oh next Monday, I AM BRINGING IT. Hope everyone's doing well! And can I get a count of who's on Level 2 now and who's on Level 1? I'm sticking with Level 1 for a bit longer myself....

    Keia - Hope you only threw up once and it wasn't a virus or food poisoning! Great NSV's, though!
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    I'm on L2 and I'm at 261 pounds! WOO! 30 off in total! Which means I've kicked my first goal.
  • Tinasmythe
    Tinasmythe Posts: 45 Member
    Yay! Down .6 this week. Not alot but still some. I am one of those that hasn't posted much. I am starting level 2 today. Felt I needed a few more days there before I moved on. School has me frazzled along with the boys football schedules. I am taking some time to take care of me though it is hard. The extra stretching helped, trying to stay hydrated. I may try doing a short yoga DVD after shred since I will be working muscles differently. I am super proud of everyone! Even if we miss a day or not work as hard as we should...we are doing it. We have to take care of ourselves first before we can take care of everyone else. I will try to post more this week.
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    I've gained a pound, granted my tummy hurts and I don't feel good.
    I'm going to reweigh in tomorrow to see if its correct.

    And I did! I get terrible motion sickness and rode some rides. I took Dramomime, so I thought I would be fine. Nope!
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    I'm weighing in at 180.7 lbs today which is a loss of about 0.8 lbs since last week, which I'm okay with since this last week has been nonsense. I'm anxious to get back to the 170's though and this is going to be my week. I can do this! I'm excited about all the victories occurring around here and Keia, I wouldn't worry. You've had a rough few weeks. When you're feeling better and school stuff has settled down, things will go much more smoothly. Ros, congrats on kicking your first goal! You are one tough lady! Laurel, congrats on your loss! And Tina, we'd love it if you posted more but don't feel you have to. The Monday weigh-ins are all that are required. You'll notice that many people have still not weighed in but I'm not too worried because it's still early afternoon here on the East Coast and God only knows what time it is in other parts of the world (time zones confuse me, lol!) We're all here to support each other and help each other as best we can! Love you ladies!
  • Twoody83
    Twoody83 Posts: 40 Member
    I had no weight change which i guess is good, I didn't gain so I am happy. No change in 3 weeks, at least I know I can maintain once i get to my goal. I didn't have 30DS so i was doing ripped in 30, just got 30DS from my friend and very much looking forward to it.

    I did run an 11k trail race on Saturday, my legs are feeling it. Even though I haven't lost much weight, I definitely could not have done that 2 months ago! This is my week too! I am going to conquer it!
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    So I did absolutely terrible this week. I didn't do the shred but one time and I ate absolutely awful this weekend. I was off on vacation to my brother's house and I ate so much crap--my body feels so sick right now. I forgot to weigh myself this morning because I was leaving early to come back home and I didn't have the scale I normally use, so I'll be weighing in officially tomorrow morning.

    I kinda feel like I'm starting to let all of you down as well as myself, but I'm going to start to do better tomorrow and hopefully I can do a little better this time. Congrats to everyone who is sticking firm to this and lost or maintained weight, you are all amazing and an inspiration to me. :)

    Nice challenges Michelle! I'm excited to do some extra stretching. I will probably add that in tomorrow then get back on track with the challenges. Does anyone have any suggestions on who to ask to share a workout with? I've asked my husband several times to do it with me, but he never seems too enthusiastic about it. I've got some other family, but I'm not sure I can convince anybody to do it.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I was 117.8 this morning (guilty of weighing twice in a row!) which is quite a loss o.o gonna see tomorrow if it was real...

    I just finished day 3 of Level 2, I still have to take a couple breather breaks (5-7 sec max) and it kicks my *kitten*!! a whole body sweat feels great when you're done... a cold chocolate protein shake never tasted so good :-)