Insanity users (or DVD users) , inputing exercise?

So how do enter in your exercise? Do you enter it as cardio? Do you have a HRM? I plan to start Insanity around November 15th and tried to see by searching in the fields how many calories I'd burn per workout but no results in the search. Sounds to me like an HRM would be a good investment but I'd like to know what you do.

PS: If anybody would like to start insanity with me on Nov 15th let me know!


  • Lisa6770
    I just started P90X this morning, I to wonder how to input these exercises.
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    A HRM is a must have, especially when doing intense cardio. You will have to 'add' the insanity workout to your exercise database. Best of luck with it! It's tough, but I love the workout.
  • sryan8408
    So I bought a HRM and it said 29 calories for the fit test. Technology hates me... theres no way thats acurate.
  • alliepgo
    I was just looking around trying to figure out how to add supreme 90 day ultimate ball workouts and I can't find anything. It's not's strength but it's not reps and sets and it uses your own body weight. What to do??? someone help?
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I use a HRM and I manually enter in all of my exercises and cals burned.
  • Iheartsushi
    Iheartsushi Posts: 150 Member
    I'm doing Turbo Fire and I manually enter per whatever my HRM says. I have a Polar 6. If you search for P90X, Insanity, etc. nothing will ever come up (except for the ones I've input) so I think HRM is the best. I have seen some people who are using programs like me input it as a Generic Cardo, ie kickboxing.
  • shawnsasylum
    Hey there,

    So I have been doing Insanity and the Asylum for over a year. I used a HRM for the first couple of months then upgraded to a bodybugg. Supposedly the bodybugg is more accurate. Anyways here is the break down I found for my body type.

    Insanity (Plyometrics, Cardio Power, Pure Cardio, Recovery and Core Cardio Balance): Between 250 and 500 (depends on the disk you were doing and your motivation to push it). I found the Max disks averaged around 450 calories burned per workout. In general the max disks added about 100 calories burned per workout.

    The Asylum I found actually burns less calories between 200 and 450 but it is definitely harder and seems to shred the fat better around the core areas.

    Another interesting fact if I really pushed it, I found during the warm-ups on Insanity I burned between 12 and 14 calories per min. and during the rest of the workout between 8 and 10 calories per min.

    I hope this helps. If you want to help each other stay motivated add me as a friend. Good luck.
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    Yup get a HRM. I have the Polar ft4 it was 63 shipped to my door. It doesnt sound like the one you have is very accurate if it says you only burned 29 calories on the fit test!
  • sryan8408
    Yeah I just bought it today and it was $80. I'll prob take it back tomorrow and suck it up and get a chest monitor. Thats one thing I didn't want to do. But whatever gets the job done.
  • sryan8408
    Thanks shawnsasylum. That helps out a lot. At least I know what my read out should be saying when I get an HRM that actually works lol
  • shawnsasylum
    Just did Insanity - The Asylum: Speed and Agility. Burned 381 Calories in 45 min.