Empty nester mom

So my youngest is moving 14 hours away next week for college. Now I am trying to focus on health and self care at 49. I am a healthcare worker and work stress, increased alcohol intake, less exercise, and perimenopause issues have led to weight gain and muscle loss over the last 5 years. New to dieting and fitness so need motivation and support.


  • morgansean1924
    morgansean1924 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I’m a bit older 55 and not an empty nester yet but son is independent so not much going on. I also am going through menopause and it definitely takes a toll. Just started walking in January and lost weight but the alcohol on the weekends always messes me up. This week started my journey because I’m hoping to lose weight to get a breast reduction. I’m here if you need support. My hubby not motivated to do anything so I’m on my own. Good luck and reach out if you need to. You can do this! Good luck!!
  • skcook717
    skcook717 Posts: 1 Member
    Fellow empty nester here. 55, post menopausal - it’s tough! Would love to find a few people to connect for support. Not sure how that works in this app - anyone know how to add someone as a friend?
  • gmlsaner
    gmlsaner Posts: 3 Member
    Empty nester…54…I need in the group too! I will do this for ME.