How often you weight yourself?

lalinzki Posts: 121
Well I have a scale at home and I tried to weight myself at least every other day, sometimes I don't even want to because I just get really Pissed off that I don't see no improvements in the scale but I can see improvements in the mirror. It just irritates me. I hate scales


  • I personally weigh myself daily. It's just something I have to see, good or bad. If it's bad, then I know I need to reevaluate what I've been eating or doing.

    It's all a personal choice I think. It used to really bother me the daily fluctuations, but not so much anymore. You just have to decide if you can brush off a bad scale day and keep going or if you can't then only weigh weekly.

    Best of luck to you! =)
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    I weigh myself as infrequently as possible; at the most once a week, more often than not once a month...

    It's the inches that count, not the pounds!

    By weighing yourself frequently, you are setting yourself to fail, as you will become p155ed off that you haven't lost any weight, so you will stop trying!
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    I ued to weight everyday and decided its not worth the frustration of a weeks fluctuation, so now I weight once a week! :wink:
  • Persevere230
    Persevere230 Posts: 53 Member
    I believe once a week is the standard. You cant have an accurate reading if you do it everyday cause our bodies shift change and flucuate on a daily basis. I am having scale issues myself and Im trying to NOT get all hung up on what number pops up but rather how I feel. Ask yourself how do your clothes fit? Thats the key :wink:
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Same here, I usually weigh myself every day but don't take it too serioulsy unless there are large fluctuations either way. 1-2 lbs is normal. It's a process, so as long as I'm going in the right direction I'm happy.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I try to not weigh myself everyday but I still can't walk past the scale without stepping on! I decided yesterday to put the scale in the top of my closet after today's weigh in and not touch or look it until the next weigh in day! We will see how that goes! lol
  • TL136
    TL136 Posts: 86 Member
    I use to be obcessed with the scale, weighing myself twice aday. Now that I am excercising more and keeping on track with MFP I reward myself on Wednesdays by stepping on the scale. It is like a little treat I look forward too. Yeah some wks I get totally mad at the scale because it didn't move, but I can't go back to weighing myself everyday. I would eat depending on what the scale said. Headaches would come on and I would be grumpy.
    It is defiantely a personal choice, for me once a wk is working!
  • msjac23
    msjac23 Posts: 140 Member
    I think you should weigh yourself once a week. Since I personally do a lot weight training, I do not weight myself anymore, I just measure my body fat and measurements. Since I am transferring fat into muscle, the scale does accurately account for my progress. The way my clothes fit and the definition in my muscles does.
  • Leokat76
    Leokat76 Posts: 1 Member
    I don't even own a scale. They are just numbers; it's about how you feel.
  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    Every single day.
  • Its weird because I actually never used to weight myself when I was going for a bodybuilder's body, but now since I'm here in MFP I have no idea how or why I'm doing it. Also my wife just told me that the battery from the scale is doo-doo and she tells me its off by 6 lbs. What the crabby patty! Well I think I'm going to do it every 2 weeks or once a month. I should be loosing 2 lbs a week so we'll see how that works. Last thing I want my little check mark on my weight loss ticker to be moving..:laugh:
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I think pick a day and time. Just weigh yourself on that day. I pick ThrusdI dont do it after the weekend. Thats just bad. ay and at 6:00am . Thats when I get up and
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    When I get up Sunday morning.
  • Every single day.

    I don't get discouraged if I bump up. For me, it's just fuel on the fire of the anger I feel that I allowed my body to get to this point. Whether I'm up or whether I'm down, it's all good.

    I'm incredibly good at lying to myself about what I've eaten and the results on my body. So I need that constant verification. Track everything, weigh every day, and don't allow yourself to lie to yourself about what you've eaten. That's why I do it.

    Yes, I know, scales are evil!
  • I weigh myself daily. Its something I get excited to do. If I gain its okay because then next day itll go down. Its a comfort thing for me because before when I wouldnt weigh myself after weighing myself daily for so long I would gain beyond a weeks worth of repair. It helps me keep in check like "okay yesterday I did very well, lets have another day like that." or I went out to eat and the scale says +1 and I think "this is why I am on a diet because I don't eat well when in social situations."

    Its honestly up to you but I need that daily weigh in.

    If you choose to do it weekly, some people say they weigh themselves on Monday to keep themselves in check over the weekend. Or others choose Friday because it lets them have a cheat day and not worry about it for another week. Just make sure to weigh yourself at the same time each weigh in day and try to keep the same weight of clothes when you do it. Because one pair of boots can kill those 2 lbs you lost lol.
  • shorty458
    shorty458 Posts: 163 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. I just want to make sure that I am on track, and losing weight.
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