Premium version

MYJRMY Posts: 4 Member
Is the premium version worth the money? I am thinking about it just to get the bar code scanner.


  • Sofiapilla
    Sofiapilla Posts: 284 Member
    Wait. You can’t use that for free anymore?
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,369 Member
    Sofiapilla wrote: »
    Wait. You can’t use that for free anymore?

    It's been 9 months already. Although it doesn't seem to apply to all countries and rollout was gradual, judging from the timing of complaints on the boards.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    They are making the bar code reader Premium only?! That will make the basic version virtually unusable! I guess I had better start looking for a replacement then….
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,369 Member
    Skrib69 wrote: »
    They are making the bar code reader Premium only?! That will make the basic version virtually unusable! I guess I had better start looking for a replacement then….

    This change happened 9 months ago already...

    If you haven't noticed, then perhaps you haven't updated your app since then or you might be in an area/country where the change isn't implemented.
  • Letera1
    Letera1 Posts: 7 Member
    I paid because it was on sale. I love using barcode scanner. I used it in WW n I love I can do it here. I love seeing my macros also.