Jumping back on the wagon...

Hi! I've been a member here for over a year. I've recruited several friends to the site that have gone on to successfully lose weight and here I sit at my highest weight ever :( I kept putting it off and putting it off but I need to do something I don't like what I see when I look in the mirror or see a picture that someone has snapped of me. It's a horrible feeling to be lost in your own body.

I started by joining a gym with my sister in law and mother in law. I'm hoping with the two of them "Meeting me at the gym" its not as easy for me to say not tonight I'll do it tomorrow. I'm also going to start logging my food which is always a huge eye opener. My birthday is on Wednesday and while I'd like to just wait until next week I figured now was good as time as ever. My plans are to hit the gym at least 3-4 days per week for 30-60 minutes.

I'm looking for other people who have the same struggles as me to join me on my path to better health. I have no desire to be a size 2 but a healthy size 16/18 is where I feel my best. I'm currently a 24 which is disgusting because that's what I was when I was pregnant with my kids. :(:(:(:( After my youngest was born I joined WW's and lost 80 lbs and felt amazing. I was just about to a size 14 and it felt great but I lost my steam and somehow ended back where I am today. It's so sad really but its time to start moving again. Life gets busy and its just easier to eat the crap food and sit on the couch after work but I know that isn't what's best for me or my family.

I'm looking for new friends! So please add me. :)


  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    I really hear you. I am here all the time and love to support people! I will send you a frined request!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    I'm jumping back on that wagon today myself. I had a really bad infection for a few weeks, and while it made it more difficult to want to exercise, it really didn't stop me...that was all in my head. It was just way too easy to justify no exercise and not logging my food because, "I was sick". Well, now I am sick for an entirely different reason...up 2 pounds and feeling blah because I haven't exercised. So, today is a new day...we can do this and we can do it now! I will send a friend request along.
  • Jackiemal
    Jackiemal Posts: 63 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I finally got my treadmil and have no excuses. I've had many over the years. Last year I lost my dog, had major finance troubles. This year I lost my young nephew and Dad within 2 months. I also was working on my degree from home while I worked 40 hours. All those things are behind me now (well still grieving). I am trying to sell my house, but keeping it in good condition actually helps the situation. Anyway, I've got to get out of the excuse game. I have a huge amount of weight to lose (which I've used as an excuse too), time to get going.

    My biggest problem is making sure I plan my meals. Like today, I had planned to start...ended up at McDonalds for breakfast cause it was fast. Uggghhhh!!!! Can't do that again. You know you have a problem when the servers at your favorite fast food place remember you and your order! lol

    Well hello and good luck to everyone!
  • Nueva_Vida
    Hi, I’m also jumping on the wagon. I know exactly how you feel. I weigh more today than I did when I was pregnant. I’m constantly hearing…OMG! You’ve gain so much weight or I remember when you were so skinny. LOL… I make everything and everyone else important in my life except for me. When it comes to me, I’m the queen of procrastination. Enough is enough! It’s all about me, me and me! We can do this!
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm ready to recommit to this again. :)
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    I know what you mean!! I do the same thing put it on and take it off. I put 30 lbs on over the past 3years when I lost my brother and then my son went through a divorce and then my youngest son and his family moved 200 miles round trip and it just one thing after another and of course I eat.
  • Heather735
    I just logged into mfp for the first time this week. Good Post! And I am very excited for the 3 of us to hold each other accountable to get in and workout!!!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    So how is everyone doing? I have had a rough week exercise wise...but my food choices have definitely improved. I still have some work to do in that department, but I am making baby steps. Would love to friend anyone who is looking for some mutual support!!
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    I'm slowly getting back into a routine. I'm trying to get my food under control and then I will start a commited workout routine. It's really starting to look like AM workouts is whats going to have to happen. It's hard with kids in school, FT job plus a PT job to get it done in the evenings. I'm hoping to get to the gym on the mornings I don't work the night before. So I work tonight so not tomorrow morning but Wednesday morning. :) Wish me luck!