My Last New Beginning

This is it! I have tried all kinds of plans, diets and other ways to lose weight and be healthier. Ultimately I have to be the one to accept that I have a weight issue and get it under control. I have watched my sister lose 40 pounds, my mother in law lose 50 pounds and my sister in law lose over 60 pounds. I am tired of being the chunky one! I am here because this is my issue and I will find a way to do better. My fitness pal will help me know where I am and keep me under my calories. I appreciate anyone who will keep me encouraged and tell me no, don't eat that chocolate! I wish the best of luck to all of you!


  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    Hi Perry, welcome to MFP! I'm sure that you will find it a great community of like minded lovely people and wish you every success.

    I found MFP by chance and this is my last time too - fed up with yo-yoing. Be happy to encourage you along the way if you would like to add me as a friend!

  • ElizabethHulse
    Welcome!! This site has helped me sooo much, I love it!! I have learned so much about the foods that I was eating and what foods I should be eating. Feel free to add me as a friend :) You got this girl!!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    the mental part of this battle is usually tougher than the physical part. sounds like you have experienced this in the past as you have been unable to stay with a healthy lifestyle change. sooooo, I recommend to spend a little more time to evaluate some things...

    1. why have you failed in the past?

    2. what can you do differently this time to avoid those past reasons for getting off track? What will you do differently?

    3. identify at least 10 things you hate about being overweight.

    4. I think you need some better reasons for leading a healthy lifestyle. simply "tired of being the chunky one" isn't going to cut it long term. you have to want to lose weight and get healthy for yourself...for things that YOU want to do in your life. take some time to think about those things critically. what benefits do you anticipate experiencing as you get healthier.

    5. write all of this down. put it on your profile if you want, but put it somewhere that you have access to. you're going to need to have all of this written down somewhere accessible for those times where you feel challenged by your new lifestyle and begin thinking about jumping off the tracks again.

    6. in your writings, be as brutally honest as possible. again, I really don't think "tired of being the chunky one" is going to cut it when your mind starts challenging your lifestyle changes.
  • perry1127
    perry1127 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks! The mental part is the problem! The chunky one is not the real issue and as my first post I thought I would not go into all the physical issues that I am dealing with from perimenopause to idopathic neuropathy. Each day is a difficult one for me. I do yoga daily and feel that some of the weight gain has been due to the medicines I have to take to get through the day and my hormones being up and down. Mentally I need to keep it together and the weight loss I feel will also help improve the other physical issues I am dealing with. I want desperately to be motivated daily and am working on finding what will really put me over the top in that area. I appreciate your advice.