Keto question

groundlaw0k5255 Posts: 1 Member
edited August 2023 in Getting Started
Hi! New to the group but not new to the diet struggle. I’m 72 but still on the journey. I work full time and am very active mentally but need a push physically. Anybody else on Keto and of a ‘seasoned’ age?


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,843 Member
    I'm lightly seasoned (67) and not keto. I'm in maintenance now, after loss at 59-60, though. If keto helps you manage calorie intake more happily, or you have a carbohydrate-relevant health condition, keto can be just great - no diss intended by saying I don't do it, just have different needs and preferences.

    Welcome, and best wishes!
  • pony4us
    pony4us Posts: 127 Member
    I'm older than you and while not keto I do focus mostly on getting protein and as a result my carbs tend to be low. Last year I easily lost 30 lbs just watching my protein and counting calories, if keto helps you do that...and it is a way of eating that you can keep up after you lose weight then fine.
    For me the trick is to set reasonable food, exercise and weight goals. I picked my goal weight based on the maintenance calories and so far it has been easy. BTW my goal is 5-10 pounds in the "overweight" BMI, but according to my doctor this is perfect for me, I has retained muscle mass and bone, have excellent blood work and am on no meds.