Day 1

This is Day 1 for me. For over a year I have been doing the whole “I will start on Monday” or “I will start the first on the month” etc… but this morning I woke up and said enough was enough I am really starting today!!! I looked through Blackberry App World and found this app and thought I would give it a try and even though this is day one I am in love with this program. I love the app for my phone and I love the community support online. I am 27 years old and have gained 20lbs in the four years I have been married. I will never be skinny and don’t really want to be, I have curves and I like them! But I would like to get back to a healthy weight and not grimace every time someone wants to take a picture. I hate that I cannot look at friend’s wedding pictures without thinking how fat I look in them, I am ashamed of myself. I have a desk job and am not that active through the workweek and since I have no children yet I tend to spend my weekends laying around watching DVD’s and Football with my husband, who by the way is no help when it comes to losing weight he is always bringing home candy and treats for me which is sweet but is also making my butt fat. I love food and every time I even start thinking about dieting I tend to eat everything I am trying not to eat. My goal is to break my bad habits and to loose 15lbs. I want to start and maintain a healthy eating and exercise routine without completely depriving myself of all my favorite foods all the time. I look forward to having the support of the online community and hopefully I will be able to provide support for others.


  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    WElcome honey! this is a great plae we all like to help because we all need a push too on somedays! you will love it here! Great choice in making today you day 1 no matter what teh actual day is!
  • mssgirl11
    mssgirl11 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm here for ya! this is a great place to be. :happy:
  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    Welcome this site saved my life!!!! It is a wonderful tool and the support that you get on the website is amazing! You have made the first step and that is always the hardest. I know you will do great. Feel free to add me if you like. Good luck
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    Welcome! Friend request on the way!
  • JessicaHenry1984
    JessicaHenry1984 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you so much I already feel the support. I am really excited about having people who understand what it is like to talk to and read about their stories too. I am not sure why I have not done this sooner.
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life....just remember it's not all about cutting out the foods you's about smaller portions..and eating healthier. Feel free to friend me.
  • KetoMomRN
    KetoMomRN Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey! This site is very helpful (and addicting haha!) Feel free to add me :)
  • It's my Day 1 too and am exited!!!

    I always waited for Monday as well so this was a good Monday.

    We will do it!! I am rooting for you
  • JessicaHenry1984
    JessicaHenry1984 Posts: 17 Member
    I am here for you too. Here is to Day 1's that start now not tomorrow! :smile: