lost motivation - need encouragement

before i joined myfitnesspal i had managed to loose 85lbs in 11 months....but now, two months after that i have gained 10lbs back and have lots motivation to eat right. i have the exercise part down...i get to the gym every morning five days a week but i find myself just eating whatever i can get my hands on and have no will power to stop myself anymore.

im hoping that keeping track of what i eat will help...though i know that will only work if i be honest with myself cause in the end, if im not its not going to do anything.

i need some serious motivation...but i do not know where i find it? yes, i lost 85lbs but i still have 70lbs to go...and it just seems like such a long way to go. i really dont have any friends and my family lives in another country. i just want someone to tell me that im looking better or notice that ive lost weight but no one does...so whats the point?


  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Look in the mirror. If you like it, don't change a thing. If not, get off your *kitten* and do something about it. No charge for the consultation today.
  • cstock03
    cstock03 Posts: 3 Member
    I think losing 85 lbs is amazing I am just trying to lose 30lbs and simila in that I can get the exercise down but my eating is out of control! I'm frustrated because my sister in law just starting eating and recording food on my fitness and has lost 9 lbs so I'm going to give it a try! You should too and let's see how it goes!!

  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I had the same problem just two weeks ago. But I rejoined MFP and I mean I really got involved bc before I didnt even have friends, and I am right back on track. Tracking what you eat helps too. But you have to want to first of all. You can friend me if you like and I will help as much as possible.
  • Every one on this site will support u but u need to have the will power and the want to do this otherwise wat ever anyone says it wont change ur mind set x
  • MrsJ25
    MrsJ25 Posts: 17 Member
    You should be so proud of yourself!!! 85 lbs is awesome!! But like you i felt the same way. Let me just let you know, it gets better. Take it one day at a time or minute. Your friends @ MFP are here for you!. Keep your head up and just know it's okay to fall just remember to get back up. Ur doing great!
  • robinpickles
    robinpickles Posts: 78 Member
    I think you have to want it..... do you?

    that's where I always have trouble... when I really want it, I can do anything!

    and I WANT THIS!!!!!!!!!

    do you?
  • I know what you mean about having lost so much and feeling like the rest is so far away. I've also lost 80 lbs since Thanksgiving 2010. I am struggling to maintain my weight loss right now ... I am fluctuating within a 5 lbs range...trying extremely hard not to allow any more than the 5 lbs on. I want to get back to the 83 lbs I originally lost and then keep moving down...but this rut is killing me. One I get to the 83 lbs lost again, I then need to lose 60 lbs more to get to my goal. I have set this goal to be reached by my birthday in June 2012. I am getting frustrated that I may not be able to reach it. I find it harder to be proud of my current accomplishment...but with my friends on MFP I am trying to stay positive and motivated to get to my goals and to not let my emotional rollercoaster dictate my success.

    Being on MFP is a start. Post some before and after pics so we can see you and can give positive feedback. Friend me, I'll keep up with you and check in. Be proud of the things you've done and what you have accomplished. Good luck!!!
  • A very big Congratulations on loosing 85 pounds! that is amazing. I joined my fitness pal a couple weeks ago. I am the oppisite of you in regards to the fact that I pretty much have the eating down pat, I am usually within my calorie goal, somedays even under. However!!! I work all day long, once I get home I find it very difficult to exercise. I have an exercise machine at home, can't remember what it's called right now, lol, plus I have the turbo jam videos. When I do go down to exercise I feel greatl about it, but it's the push to get down there to do it that is very difficult.
    Keep going, you have certainly come to far to stop now :) I have about 140 that I want to loose, you are doing great!!!
  • angeleyes4643
    angeleyes4643 Posts: 151 Member
    Aussie4870 and ymvestal - you both have done an AMAZING job ! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Just based on your posts it sounds like you might be in a rut (a bit bored). We all get so excited when things are going well. We get into a routine and just keep going. Well our bodies do the same thing, they get into a rut and when they get into a rut we lose motivation because we aren't seeing the results we want as quickly as we want.

    Might I suggest a few things. 1) post a picture of yourself now and for evey 10 lbs you lose. You'll be surprised at the changes. I've found that when I post new pics I get a lot of encouragement from my friends. They can see the differences even if I cant. 2) Keep exercising but maybe switch it up a bit. Try walking outside (not at the gym) one day if you can. Do cardio one day, machines the next or see if there are some classes you can take - zumba for example. Anything to keep your interest. 3) Every morning when you wake up first thing tell yourself " I can do this. It's nothing but a thing". And make that your mantra all day long.

    You can do this ! Look how far you've come already.
  • thankyou everyone...hopefully today will be the day i get back on track and loose the rest of this weight...

    i really do want it...perhaps i have lost sight of my goals but doing my profile just now and reading through some of the information and stories on this site has been a really big help...

    i hope that im down by two pounds by this time next week. hopefully by keeping my goals small and realistic i will keep going!
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    Assie the weight you have lost already shows you have the willpower and commitment to keep going. If you have little support around you, you can lean on us. I hit a plateau that lasted over a year. Look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself how far you have come. Then you need to take baby steps . Try to control yourself for 2 hours at a time and forgive yourself in you stumble. Get right back on the wagon and continue. friend me:wink::bigsmile:
  • cushtush
    cushtush Posts: 10 Member
    best of luck....I believe you are in the right place and you definitely want to succeed. Just believe it to achieve it....Take care. Talk to you anytime.