Back after baby!

ok well back after taking a break then finding out i was pregnant bahah. anyways my name is Alicia im 25 i have two BEAUTIFUL little girls (but im not predious or anything) and im about 65 lbs over weight. before my wedding in 2009 i used this site and i lost 40 lbs in 4 months i felt amazing about myself it was awsome. then i got married and got happend and i lost my motivation. and now after my second child im finding myself hating my body more than ever so i really do want to do soemthing about it i just really need to find my motivation again. i really havent told anyone im back on the "wagon" yet seems like every time i do i fail so im thinking maybe if i just do it for me and only i know it will make a diffrence i sure hope it dose cause i tell ya im tired of being over weight.


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    welcome back and congrats!!
  • linzmarie316
    Welcome back and Congratulations on your newest addition! I also have two girls and am here for the same reason!! Good luck!! :)
  • KathyEarhart
    KathyEarhart Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome! I also have a baby and am needed to lose that weight (I just reached that goal!), plus some I needed to lose before I got preggo.