Hello Again

I have been a myfitnesspal user since the 2008. But it has been a long time since I have been active on here. So much has changed and I am loving its connection to my fitbit account. I did loose all my historical data though so that is frustrating as well as all my friend connections that I had before.

But wanted to say hello again.
I am 5'5" and 183 lbs and 47 years old. This is the most I have ever weighed in my life. Even when pregnant with my 3rd child I was not this heavy. I saw a photo of myself at a work function recently and I did not even recognize myself. I have usually been able to maintain my weight between 145-155. A little bit more than I would prefer but it is manageable.

I went thru a traumatic experience 18 months ago that was then exacerbated by some scary health issues (not related to my weight) It sent me into a very severe depression where I could barely get out of bed. So my activity level plummeted and I probably lost most of my lean muscle mass. And I guess food became my comfort.
I am on a new medication now that is really helping, but it can cause weight gain (Remeron)

I did get up to 178 10 years ago after my mother died but I was able to loose 52lbs over the coarse of a year so I know I can do this. But I am having a hard time with self control lately.
I have access to unlimited food at work, Including desserts and soft drinks. I am getting a bit better. But having some accountability would really help. I saw there are several challenges that you can join in the discussion boards but I seem to have missed the boat of the starting date. So I am hoping I can join some in the future. If you know any that just let someone jump in at any time I would love to know.

Please feel free to add me as a friend. Also...how do you do that now? It seemed so easy back in the day.


  • mlconstant5
    mlconstant5 Posts: 43 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hi Trisharrell76!

    I just sent you a friend request.. it took me a few minutes to figure it out😅. Under the drop-down menu there is a ‘Friends’ tab with a plus (+) button at the top right. You can either write the persons username or their email address to request to add them.

    Hope that helps!
    - Mel
  • Trisharrell76
    Trisharrell76 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you :) that helps