over on sugar?

hello people!

i am wondering how to have less sugar in my diet?

i do eat a fair amount of fruit as my snacks so i think that is why my sugar is always over

what could i snack on instead that is low in sugar?

are there foods that are sneakily high in sugar?

i love raw carot but they also seem to be high in suagr??!

any advice on less sugar would be good

ta muchly


  • HanneK
    HanneK Posts: 54 Member
    It doesen't matter if you're over on sugar if your total cal is OK. Most of the food we eat becomes sugar in our system, at the body uses it as fuel. But if you want to you can always eat something else ;)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I think the thing you should focus on is the fact of the type of foods you are consuming.... if you are eating prepackaged, preprocessed, canned convenience food, then your sugar is going to go through the roof.

    Foods that naturally contain sugar like carrots, just be aware of serving sizes... you WANT food in its most natural state because the nutrients in them are exactly what the body needs.

    When I make a salad, carrots will be a garnish, usually about 1-2TB worth....
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Watch this!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdMjKEncojQ

    It explains how sugar enters our body and the effect it has on our body. It's really interesting. Sugar is really pretty bad for you in large amounts. I try to keep it under 40g a day (and most end up being from milk, fruit etc) and 50g is the healthy maximum as far as I can find on google. You might have to cut a piece of fruit a day, I know I have to cut my juice with water in my smoothie to keep my sugar down.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    I have the same difficulty with sugar for the same reason. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I figure the sugar which I am always way over in is at least good sugar, although like you I would be interested in suggestions from others, around both views on whether it is good (regardless of) whether its wholefood sugar) to keep to the limit, and also other snack ideas.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I have the same difficulty with sugar for the same reason. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I figure the sugar which I am always way over in is at least good sugar, although like you I would be interested in suggestions from others, around both views on whether it is good (regardless of) whether its wholefood sugar) to keep to the limit, and also other snack ideas.

    There isn't really "good" sugar. It's good in the sense that it's packaged with natural fiber (in the fruit and veggies) which helps your liver process the fructose. But it is no different from sucrose, aka table sugar.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    I have the same difficulty with sugar for the same reason. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I figure the sugar which I am always way over in is at least good sugar, although like you I would be interested in suggestions from others, around both views on whether it is good (regardless of) whether its wholefood sugar) to keep to the limit, and also other snack ideas.

    There isn't really "good" sugar. It's good in the sense that it's packaged with natural fiber (in the fruit and veggies) which helps your liver process the fructose. But it is no different from sucrose, aka table sugar.

    Thanks for the clarification, perhaps I should have articulated myself a little more clearly, this was more or less what I meant. Is your argument then, don't go over in sugar?
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I have the same difficulty with sugar for the same reason. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I figure the sugar which I am always way over in is at least good sugar, although like you I would be interested in suggestions from others, around both views on whether it is good (regardless of) whether its wholefood sugar) to keep to the limit, and also other snack ideas.

    There isn't really "good" sugar. It's good in the sense that it's packaged with natural fiber (in the fruit and veggies) which helps your liver process the fructose. But it is no different from sucrose, aka table sugar.

    Thanks for the clarification, perhaps I should have articulated myself a little more clearly, this was more or less what I meant. Is your argument then, don't go over in sugar?

    I personally try not to, but if I go over a couple grams I don't stress. Our bodies are pretty smart and adaptive. I do count all the sugars in fruits and veggies towards my budget though. Should be fine :-)
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    If you don't want to go over, try to avoid eating a lot of bananas, grapes, cherries and other fruit that have a lot of sugar. berries are pretty low in sugar.

    But even though I just eat 2 pieces/handful of fruit a day, I still go over from just the fruit and dairy, so personally, I don't care so much if I go over, I just try to keep it as low as I can.
  • Mdfreeman
    Mdfreeman Posts: 21 Member
    Once breakfast was done, I was already over suggested sugar limits. 1.5cups of fresh pineapple and a 1/2 banana.

    Is a low sugar limit really attainable without spelt 24/7?

  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Yes, you can definitely get below limits...
    But I will say this much: be thankful you dont have Metabolic X Syndrome... 90% of fruits I just simply can never eat. No potatoes, rice, pastas, bleached white flour, white flour... If I have dairy it has to be limited and preferably the lower fat versions (i.e. Part Skim Mozzarella)

    I have to maintain no more than 120g carbohydrates (this is sugar as well), 1600 calories per day, and 50% should be protein. I went a little over in fat grams today, but Im not going to worry too much about it.