Rowing machine



  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,127 Member
    I hired a water rower - loved the water swoosh noise and feel of the machine. Found the rowing deadly boring though - tried a few ways to spice it up - but basically I needed to be on real water.

    I returned the rower, got my bike out of the shed with success and am still trying to get to the pool more regularly….

    Rent before you buy?

    To be fair, a lot of indoor cardio can be boring? My cardio equipment is set up in front of a TV.
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 988 Member
    I live the rowing machine at the gym. Treadmills and such don't do a thing for me... :)
  • williamsonmj1
    williamsonmj1 Posts: 85 Member
    I have used rowers a bit (a C2) and I really rate them. Reasons I like them:
    • They are the best warmup for lifting- you are warming up legs, lower back, upper back arms etc. Break a sweat on a C2, and you can go straight to the bar if you want.
    • Related to the above, they engage more of the body than any other cardio machine except maybe a versaclimber.
    • They are good for doing high intensity/sprints etc, because you can't really fall off or slip. You can just stop pretty much any time.
    • They are light and easy to move around.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,492 Member
    I have the Concept 2 Rower and love it.
    imho - it's the best out there, for sure

    That being said...

    So, the Concept 2 Rower is fantastic, therefore, I also bought the Concept 2 Bike Erg.

    What a mistake. The Bike Erg is a horrible design on so many levels.
    It's really a train wreck of a bike design and it shows up in it's performance, or lack thereof.
    I realize that the Bike Erg is popular with the kipping pull-up, kombucha swilling crowd.


    It's so bad that I went out and bought a Keiser Spin Bike M3.

    The Keiser is fantastic.