good running dog?



  • dilysin
    dilysin Posts: 7 Member
    Dalmatian... why do you think they were firedogs? they are incredibly fast, and incredibly good at guilting you into taking them for a run..
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Avoiding the whole breeding/ neutering discussion....

    I have a Weimaraner, which is a German hunting dog bred for forest work. He's impossible to tire out, and loves to go as fast as I can (faster....)

    But to repeat what others have said, if you want a dog to run with NOW then it's not a puppy you need.
  • KEShikes
    I've had a Rotty and love them to death, but they can't someone else noted, they will walk forever, but running is just not their thing. I have German Shepherds now, which will run forever, and love it.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I majored in microbiology to apply to veterinary school, which is another 7 to 10 years of school so that is amazing that "veterinarian" is only ONE of your majors. you must be SMART
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    I have a Husky. She can likely run me into the grave. I'm dying at 6 miles and she looks at me like she's just warming up!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    My brother is a runner and regularly run marathons. He's got a terrier that he adopted from the shelter that he says can outrun him any day.
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    My dog is some sort of Heinz57 via the HUmane Society and she keeps up just fine.

    I also have a lab- but he is HUGE and tends to get distracted and wants to take off into the surrounding fields and ditches, so I have to constantly rein him in. Thats why my little mix goes more often- she just wants to smell the smells and chase her shadow... and to date has never attempted to drag me into a ditch and out of the 'zone'.


    Check your humane society or pound. :)
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    @ puggleperson

    thanks I guess,

    let me explain something to you I come from a rich family so I don't need to make money by breeding dogs and the only reason I'm gonna breed my english bulldog in a year because there are some nice people who is really dyeing to get one but they can't offered it ...

    However I feel what u are saying :)

    It does not matter, they can adopt... Your response is b.s all the way around. I can go online in your area and find tons of english bulls dogs your friends can adopt. Coming from a rich family means nothign so me as I also have wealth in mine. Animlas mean everything to me and it's people like you, the uneducated ones, that think it's okay to back yard breed animals!
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member

    you are right ...

    the breeder gave me a choice of getting him for 900 with being fixed or 2500$ without !!!

    I choose the the 2500$ because I don't anyone to fix me why he should be fixed ???

    And if you were smart you would know that a neutered dog is a healthier dog and lives longer.

    Don't shop..ADOPT!

    Did you know that only 1 out of 9 will find a forever home... So lets all go out and breed for useless profit! YAY SMART!
  • lucylou9701
    omg!!! Your dog is soooooooooooo unbelievably cute i wanna steal it! I want to steal it and squish it.... I am getting an english bulldog when i get older and a lab to run with too :)
  • andlovesaidn0
    i have a Morkie shes impossible to run with. id suggest a lab, german shepherd, rottweiler, husky
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I have a beagle pit mix and she is great! She loves to sniff but can still keep up. I am also taking care of a Husky Pointer mix and she is great as well. I would suggest a mix from the pound. Because of your existing dog, I would not get something to huge so they two dogs can play a little better
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    If the ONLY reason you want a second dog is to run with then please do not get one at all! From your responses to others on this thread, you clearly aren't responsible enough to care for the one you already have by not getting it fixed. And it seems obvious that you didn't consider breed issues with that one, you just got it because it was cute. Dogs are living beings and shouldn't be purchased as status symbols.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I run with my Boxer, but I have to be careful when it's hot. Because of the shape of her head and muzzle, she doesn't cool as efficiently as dog with a longer muzzle, but she does love to go. I leave her home if it is 80 or hotter though, unless I want to take lots of walk breaks for her. Under 80 degrees she can run circles around me for miles. :bigsmile: If you want to chose between dobe and rotty, I would go with the dobe. My mother has one and I have taken her out and she is tireless.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Your dog really is very cute. But you should promote adoption among your friends and not breed him. There are so many homeless animals and it's so sad... =(
  • big_daddy_d
    @ puggleperson

    Why are you trying to be mean? trust me I don't know you and your responds are the only thing that make me personalize you as a person and so far you are someone that I would love to not know ever ...

    FIxed dogs might avoid some health issues you are right I'm with you but if you fix your dog before he his mature years especially male dogs (which is between one year to a year and a half) your dog will might get some diseases in the future such as Osteosarcoma the one is famous to be located at you dog joints, Also a big risk is hypothyroidism the disease that is placed at your dog throat , cognitive disfunction, hemangiosarcoma skin, and many more diseases

    please I'm not trying to be mean but please do your homework before you attack someone like that thanks

    @ pa_jorg

    Do you know me in person??? my dog have a special vet that check on him at least once in two weeks, heck I don't even have a special doctor to check on me every six month .... how could you judge me that harsh without considering someone feeling like really I care but shame on you ... thanks though
  • Partyofpugs
    I agree puggle person. Dogs are killed at shelters every day because there isn't any homes. Here in Phoenix #1 breed in shelters is pits and #2 is chihuahua's. Unless you are breeding to show a dog in confirmation skip it and spay and neuter. Just my opinion! Laura
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    I don't understand the idea of getting a dog just for a jogging partner. Get a dog because you want a dog. You can jog by yourself..
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    Ive borrowed a husky-border collie cross to run with. He loves bounding around mountain trails and always stays close.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    Hi, I have a french bulldog Boston Terrier cross, who can go as long as i can, though they don't do well in the heat...