Here to lose 40 pounds

Hi, everyone. I'm Ruthie and my weight has gone out of control. I would love some encouragement and tips.


  • ruthhow1010
    ruthhow1010 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ruthie , I'm Ruth. Returned here today having faced the scales yesterday after several years of burying my head in the sand and buying bigger and bigger sized clothes. I have gained a lot having lost a similar amount previously. So I too have been out of control for the past 3 years or so. Perhaps we can encourage each other?
    My goal is to lose a stone by the end of the year, a lb a week or so...I hope to up my activity and cut out refined sugar, unless it is a celebration ( party, birthdays etc) when it will be savoured as a special treat. This means no alcohol too. Apart from that I will try to stick to an average of 1400 calories a day. Will you be my accountability buddy?
  • ruthhow1010
    ruthhow1010 Posts: 3 Member
    By the way my first tip is to break your goal into smaller mini goals. 40lbs can feel overwhelming and unachievable. How about focusing on the first 10lbs?
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Hey Ruthie, I'm Chellie and I am back again too ... girl you can do this! with small milestones and make sure to drink your water that will get you closer every day 🥰 Would love to connect I've about 30 more lbs to get to goal ☺