Clean Eating

I'm about 12 pounds from my goal weight so I'm starting to think ahead about how I'm going to change my eating habits to be in line with maintaining a healthy weight.

I keep coming across the idea of "clean eating" which is basically sticking to only foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. (no processed foods, no added sugar foods or drinks, lean meats, etc) I really believe in the idea that if you treat your body well, it will treat you well, so I want to start doing some research into the kinds of foods that I want to eat, the kinds of foods that I should avoid, and what kinds of sacrifices, lifestyle changes, and tools that I'll need to be successful in eating entirely "clean"

Does anybody have any experience with this kind of (I hate the word but) diet? Any suggestions for books or websites that would be good reading towards moving entirely towards clean eating?


  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You can eat clean if you like, but you can still eat some of the foods you enjoy as well. As long as you get your servings of fruits and veggies, take your multivitamin and fish oil as well as get your minimum required protein and fat macros you'll be fine and healthy.

    I eat somewhat clean, but I also eat some junk and still lose weight just fine, and I'm still very healthy. =)

    As far as websites, go to Alan Aragon's site, Lyle McDonald's site or Martin Berkhan's site.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Anything by Michael Pollan.

    Definitely check out the movie "Food Inc.", too!

    I started eating more whole foods (not liking to touch anything with ingredients I couldn't pronounce, or anything with more than 7 ingredients) and right away I noticed a difference in my overall health. I have much more energy now, and the first week of trying "clean eating" out, I lost my last stubborn 4 lbs.

    Definitely worth a shot!
  • yvonmac
    yvonmac Posts: 47 Member
    I use recipes from all the time. Also, I make a lot of things with beans and have learned how to used dry beans and I use recipes from I am trying to eat clean as well and am learning/practicing each day. I hope to get good at it soon--I eat 1000mg or less of sodium as well which is easy if I am avoiding processed foods.

    Best of luck
  • MonicaS29
    Tosca Reno is the author of the Eat Clean Diet...she has a lot of books out about it. Also, you can prob get a lot of info about it on the forums on the site. I've been doing it for about a year and have noticed substantial changes...I just feel better all around, have more energy, etc etc. Good luck!
  • myurk
    myurk Posts: 108
    The clean eating magazine has great recipes and info
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    there is a magazine and website called clean eating. they have a ton of recipes.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I've never read a book on it... But, it's quite simple actually. Don't buy prepackaged/prepared food. Buy your own meats, veggies, and whole grains (brown rice, oatmeal, etc) etc and season & prepare them yourself.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I believe Mark's Daily Apple has some good info as well, though that is sort of a primal food site.
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    Our whole family has started following a similar "diet" (paleo lifestyle). You might not be interested in going to that extent, but everything in the paleo diet would be considered "clean eating". So, if you do some searches on "paleo recipes" or "paleo snacks", you should get none processed options/ideas.
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    Don't be fooled by the girly title, Skinny ***** is a book about going vegan that pulls no punches. You will learn SO MUCH. And there's a food guide in the back about which brands are best.
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I started doing this about 6 months ago after I was diagnosed with MS, before I started MFP. I haven't used any websites or resources, but basically I have been doing the bulk of my shopping at Whole Foods, and started buying all these fruits and vegetables that I would normally just pass over (beets, turnips, whole carrots, any kind of berry, pineapple, papayas, avocados). I do still eat some processed foods, but choose healthier foods, for example, my new go-to cereal is Kashi Go-Lean. For dairy I only purchase organic products (other foods I'm not as picky about). Most days now I've stopped eating meat even though I don't consider myself vegetarian. No more fast food. Sparkling water for my water most days. Instead of rice I do a rice/quinoa mixture. That sort of thing. I keep walnuts and raw pumpkin seeds in my pantry, which have the highest amount of omega fatty acids. I am not completely off diet sodas but have started to have coffee with just skim milk, no artificial sweetener.

    So it hasn't been really following any sort of diet, just exploring more areas in the grocery store I used to ignore. You feel a lot healthier, I feel like I have more energy instead of being sluggish or blah after eating.

    Also I thought it would be more expensive but actually the produce is usually the bulk of my shopping and isn't that pricy, and I've saved a lot on eating out. I think I'm actually spending a little less on food now.

    Good luck with it, it's a great change to make!
  • We3Rock
    Clean Eating the magazine is a great resource for that. I check it free at our public library and online. :smile:
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    I just finished reading the "Eating Clean Stripped" By Tosca Reno. She will explain in the book what you need to eat and rules to fallow to strip those last 10 lbs. I already live a eating clean lifestyle (I don't believe in using the word "diet" either :wink:) , but still found reading the book helped me refocuse on exactly what I need to do to get rid of these last few pounds and "lean" up!
    Good luck! Kelly :happy:
  • We3Rock
    IMHO - I HATED that book!
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Oh and I totally agree with the person who recommended "Food Inc." It will change how you view food! It's available on instant queue in Netflix.
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    IMHO - I HATED that book!

    What book?