clairibou1 Posts: 124
So I started on here back around April or May of this year, and I loved it. I honestly didn't have a problem sticking with the 1200 calories a day, and I started losing weight quickly. I was down about 15 pounds by the time august came. I felt good, but I still wanted to lose more- my thighs (biggest problem area) hadn't shown much improvement. Around the middle of august, I was on vacation, and I got seasick. I didn't eat for about 5 days, and when I was finally able to eat again, I was ravenous. I started eating pretty much everything in sight, not paying attention to calories, and hardly exercising at all. When school started, it got even worse. The stress of classes and all the activities I am doing put me over the edge, and I completely lost it. I started binging, and I mean REALLY binging...and i have NEVER done this. EVER. not before i joined mfp, and not while i was on here either. I'm not sure what the issue is, but I feel disgusting. I am eating more and more and gaining weight back 10 times faster than when I gained it originally. I don't know what to do, but I DONT WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE!!!!! any tips you could give me would be awesome...i'm kind of lost! thank you!


  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    Nothing is wrong with you. Make the decision to get healthy and stick to it! One day at a time, heck even one meal at a time! Its tough but if you want it bad enough you can do this!! TRY TRY AGAIN!
  • mkallie
    mkallie Posts: 110 Member
    I've always had success with the "one good day" technique -- basically, you just need to convince yourself to tough it out and have one good day, and it will be easy to drop the binging and get back on the diet wagon. Also, make sure you're staying very hydrated -- a lot of times binging and being dehydrated go hand in hand, so grab a water instead of a food first when you're feeling hungry.
  • Brandei
    Brandei Posts: 119 Member
    Hmmmmm.....sounds like you are a stress eater/ and maybe your mind is playing games with you. I suggest ditching the calorie counting for now and just eat healthier/ exercise regularly. Once you feel you have more control, come back to calorie counting.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have been hungrier since being on here than I ever have before! I think it's the long termness of it. I am still starving and I am meant to be maintaining.
  • First thing I can say is take one day at a time. When you are ready to get back on the MFP bus, you will. If you are truly ready to start over, just start tracking your food intake again.

    I was use to losing about 2 to 4 pds a week, but then I had a medical issue and could not exercise for almost 3 weeks. Well this morning I started back at the gym and only worked out for 13 minutes. I am taking baby steps and I believe that is what you need to do.

    Good luck on your weight lose journey
  • Keep nothing at home that is bad or high cal...do not bring $ to school or on errands/outings except the BARE MINIMUM that you need and lock your purse in the trunk so drive thrus are out of the question...hope that helps!
  • I think that myfitnesspal doesn't calculate calories right. I think about the way I eat and I don't think 1200 is enough(because I like fruit and veggies so I eat a lot, and i dont think that's something to feel guilty about going over calories for), it's not for everyone, so take a step back and rethink what you're eating. Because the problem with sticking to just that every day is unrealistic. You can go over somedays, Just be mindful of what you eat and how much daily activity you get. It's a really, really long process, but eventually you will get there. The goal is to be healthy and feel good.
  • Have you tried adding a multi-vitamin now that your schedule is so hectic? I fight with low iron and find myself grazing non-stop when my iron is down or if I'm tired. I actually take a pretty potent multi w/ added iron in the am and then additional iron in the pm. (I'm not saying you should pump up your iron intake, this is just my personal example. I'm not a Dr.) It definatly helped curb my cravings to get my levels straightened out. Once in a while if I'm fighting a cold or get run down, I get a bad case of the munchies that seems to last days! You may want to make an appt w/ your doctor to see if they can help you determine if or which vitamin you may be lacking.
  • turlykerd1
    turlykerd1 Posts: 54 Member
    the same thing happens to me , the feeling like i have to eat , more and more . i have found it happens when ive had a big drinking week or 2 ( idk if you had a few on holiday ?) it sucks doesnt it ?

    i completely agree with the previous comment ... there is nothing wrong with you , and your mind isnt quite in the right place to be "on it" right now .

    just take baby steps , and begin again , that swhat ive had to do , and in a few weeks you may feel stronger :):)

    whatever happens though the past is gone , you can only change the future , and GOOD LUCK :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Think quality vs quantity. When I was eating tons, it was mostly junk so of course I would get that empty/tired feeling as soon as the sugars were all used up in an hour or two. Once I started eating more healthy - high (but mostly lean) proteins, good fats, lots of fruits and veggies, etc, I found that I wasn't so hungry all the time.

    And if you still feel like you need a treat just to keep yourself sane, try something already portioned out for you like pudding cups or 100 calorie bags of popcorn...

    If it's all stress eating - get to the source of the stress and teach yourself a more healthy way to deal with it. Try exercising more to clear your head, read a really good book or watch a really good movie to distract you, start writing your feelings down in a journal or call a friend/relative to vent. Or just come on here - there's always someone who can lend an ear!

    ETA: p.ss - try to pre-plan your eating for the day including all meals and snacks and promise yourself you won't eat anything else unless you earn the calories with exercise. I do this as much as I can and it really helps!
  • MLeigh18
    MLeigh18 Posts: 120 Member
    I agree with Brandie. Binge eating isn't bad when you're binging on fruits and veggies. But i wouldn't imagine broccoli to be anyone's comfort food. The best thing to do right now is focus on getting good nutrition. If you're eating more than 1200 calories/day right now and then all of a sudden cut back drastically, you're more likely to lose track and fall of the wagon again. Forget the number of calories and focus on plate geometry. How much of your plate is fruit/veggies how much is protein and how much is grain/sugar?

    As for binge eating while in school, TRUST ME I KNOW! I'VE BEEN THERE! hell, i was there last week. I'm in grad school and working a full time job. Twice a week i'm up at 5am and dont get home until 10pm after class. The last thing I want to do is 1. cook and 2. eat something healthy that i still have to choke down at times. most of the times I make sure i have something quick and easy in the fridge that i can pull out and quickly heat up when i get home. Planning ahead helps keep my sticky fingers away from raiding the pantry. And find your healthy comfort food is my second suggestion. Sweet Potatoes are mine. I know it's chock full of carbs but it's also a lot better for me than a regular baked potato and it never requires butter to sweeten the taste. The best thing is, i rarely eat sweet potatoes so that in my mind i feel like im cheating when i eat an SP.

    When you're eating healthy high quality food, calories don't matter really. Remember you'll have to eat 4 medium sized boneless, skinless chicken breasts to get roughly the same amount of calories you would from a McDonald's Large Fries... Which one's going to fill you up more? Which one is going to make you *FEEL* better? Good luck.
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    I eat - every 2.5 to 3 hours. It helps keep me from binge eating. I notice when it is a weekend and I am not as good about the timing - that is when I want to be SO BAD!

    Just don't give up, keep on trying. When you give up completely - that is when you have failed.

    You can do this. Like someone else said, even one meal at a time.
  • My heart goes out to you. Don't give up! Sounds like stress eating mostly. Take care of yourself; you can change this TODAY with support here and with truly looking at what and how much you eat. You can do this, and it is one day at a time. But you can start your day over at any time!! I had a bad three days over friday and weekend because I was feeling sorry for myself, had started lifting weights and walking/running a bit and for 6 weeks had not lost any lbs. So I drank too much coffee, ate late at night mostly popcorn and 'frozen yogurt' which is really junky ice cream, let's face it....but today is a new day. The good days, when they start really adding up, become a lifestyle that can bring us to a slim and healthy weight.
  • like everyone else said there isnt anything wrong with you. Im just like you im a stress eater, thats what got me to where i am now but my best advice to you is when you wanna reat grab a vegtable or fruit and in the long run it could save you. i know that when your hungry that veggies and fruits dont sound appitizing but it might control your stress hunger remember dont let your eyes win mind over matter keep your head up :)
  • WOW. thank you SO MUCH for all of the support. i guess one of my main issues right now is my lack of support from family/friends. My dad is a marathoner, and he is pretty much all exercise, all the time, most of which i couldn't do to save my life. My mom is a bit of a worrier, and if I even said the word diet to her, she would think I had an eating disorder. And my friends...well they have a lot on their plates, and I haven't really told them about this journey....so its pretty much just little old me here. I think sometimes i just need a good cry and some words of encouragement to get me going again, and you all gave me that. THANK YOU!!!
  • Take a step back, and a deep deep breath... You sound like you're in panic mode. Grab a bottle of water and go take a walk... not for the exercise, but to look at trees and squirrels and stuff. Take lots of deep breaths and ground yourself. Take back the control you had. Tell yourself that you are the boss of you... nothing else can make you do something you don;t want to do. Breath thru your nose big breath in, hold for 3 seconds... big breath out.
    Give yourself a second to unwind..... timeout... just for you. You deserve it... so do it.
    ...and nothing is wrong with you...
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    Listen, hon, don't ever think there is anything wrong with you! You are beautiful and strong! I wish we lived closer so I could help you more. Slow and steady wins the race. xoxo
  • shrekk- thanks! actually one of my favorite things to do is look at the "trees and squirrels and stuff" lol :) its so relaxing and peaceful! I AM MY OWN BOSS!!!! there. i feel better already.

    rachelleahsmom- you are SO SWEET! THANK YOU! thanks for sticking with me and supporting me-you rock! your encouragement on here is all the help i need. the challenge helps too! i haven't been losing, but i've only gained a little....which considering my naughty behavior these past few weeks is pretty darn good. :)

    i have such great friends :):):) THANK YOU!!!!!! xoxo
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