Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

First time post...I started doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) in 2007 to lose weight. I started at 299lbs. and got down to 213 without any real nutrition plan other than to avoid junk food. Over time I got back up to 249 and started using MFP to track my food and exercise. Since April 4th I've lost 32 pounds and I'm down to 217. Here is what I can't figure out...the BJJ entry in the cardio exercise on MFP gives a huge calorie burn for 60 minutes. I'm wondering if that is based just on sparring / grappling. We do a light warm up of jogging, push-ups and sit-ups followed by stretching before starting the class. Should I only enter 50% of my actual minutes to allow for the portions of class that are not that rigorous? I want to be as accurate as possible as i get closer to my goal weight of 200. Any thoughts from other BJJ folks on here?


  • kmrodger
    i've been doing bjj for a year now and when i enter it on MFP i usually enter the sparring time and then drilling time i just add about 1 minute for every 5 depending on how fast paced the drilling is. if it's high intensity drilling like agility latters, i just go with the full time.