Feeling Really Warm

specialbeast Posts: 1
Hi everyone :) big newbie here. Anyway, I started my regime last Thursday (today is day 5!) and since the first day I realised that sometimes I would feel REALLY warm? as if I had been in the sun for a long time, I take my walks early in the morning and I'm not eating highly caloric things and these ~hot~ periods don't happen after exercise or meals necessarily, just random.

Anyone know why this happens? Is it good or bad? It doesn't bother me but I got curious :)

Thank you!


  • God! I have the exact same thing! But I have been pretty busy recently planning something big. I'm kind of nervous but excited about it so I'd put it down to that? If you find out though, let me know.

    A xx
  • Me too!

    Maybe we are literally BURNING fat! Hehe :)
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