New, but I love this already

Hello everyone! I found this site via my phone while searching for another app a friend recommended. I've already fallen in love with it, and I think it is a great resource and will help me alot on my journey to being a healthy weight again. I've spent too long being this heavy, and it is time I did something about it, for myself and for my family. I really think this site is going to help me to keep things in check.

Good luck to all of you too!


  • I am new to this too! I was told about this & checked it out & I love it! Good luck to you!
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    This site really is amazing. I've found it makes me accountable to ME. The support and inspiration you will get is enough to keep you going. Advice... don't stop, log no matter how bad it is, take it one meal at a time, believe you can do it & most importantly do it for you. It's a journey, a lifestyle change & becoming healthy. Never look at it as a diet always see it as an improvement to who you are on the way to being who you want to be.

    Feel free to add me. Sending you positive, healthy, strong thoughts.
  • Good luck on your journey!
  • Definitely a great site....really helps to log everything you eat. I think that's been the best way to get results for me....
  • Hey everyone Im new to this site too. Well I signed up for it a while ago and just left it. But I came back today cause I need to lose weight and get to a healthy weight. Im looking for motivators, and just people to have this journey with. Anyone looking for a weightloss buddy thats going to be 110% involved and accountable? If so please add me!!! I would like all the motivation I can get!
  • i'm a newbie today as well. i've heard so much about this site, but just signed up. already i'm seeing how easy it is to do a food log on here. i think it's going to really hold me accountable for what i eat and when i exercise.