Is it good to do cardio everyday if you want to eat more?



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Exercise to eat more isn't a good plan. You should exercise for the health benefits, and because you enjoy it. That's how you'll stick to it, and change requires consistency.


    I definitely exercise for the health benefits, because I enjoy it, AND for the exercise calories. :lol:

  • tara84664
    tara84664 Posts: 3 Member
    From reading your post, I am gathering that you 1) like food and want to eat more if it and 2) want to lose weight for self esteem issues. Welcome to the average human experience. Ha ha. Fer reals though, I hear you!!! I have been overweight my whole life and always made fun of from a young age. I did the diet roller coaster for 25 years - and nothing worked until I got more solid on my WHY.

    So I think the real question for you to ask yourself is, what do you really want? Would you rather eat lots of food? Or would you rather feel more confident in yourself from losing weight, becoming healthier, and working out? You CAN workout AND eat good food. But first ask yourself why you want to workout. What do you want to accomplish? Why? Why? And why? Get deep in your answer. That will motivate you with the direction you want to go and drive you to workout RIGHT for your goals. stick to simple exercises. Bicep curls. Squats. Lunges. And watch YouTube videos for beginners. Don’t jump in too big.

    Someone else alluded to the fact that what you eat will make the most difference. I would suggest really focusing on your diet. Track. Eat mostly Whole Foods that will help you feel energetic and better about yourself. Your mind and body will follow as you get healthier.

    So get solid on that why. This is all coming from a girl who ate two cupcakes at a volleyball game last night so I’m definitely not perfect. But it’s a journey. So don’t give up.
  • dmeri77
    dmeri77 Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2023
    So what I have always heard was determine what your normal calorie intake per day should be and reduce it by 500. Exercise to burn 500 calories per day which should result in a 1 to 2 pounds weight loss per week.

    As Tara said, eat good whole foods that are filling that can give you good energy. Stay away from processed foods.

    As for cardio the guidelines say 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity is what we should try to accomplish.

    Weight training in my opinion is necessary, but honestly starting out push-ups, crunches, planks, lunges, squats are a good start.

    Everyone's body and circumstances are different so you will have to figure out what works for you.

    The hardest part is maintaining motivation! Keep your eyes on the prize and you will get there!